Welcome to Banzore!

Be part of something great, join today!

Shoeboxx Application


-bZ- Member
1. Your In-game name: SHoEBoXX

2. YOUR AGE: 20

3. Location: Florida

4. What games you play: FPS, RTS, RPG

5. Are you currently banned from any servers? Nope

6. Describe your usual gameplay: Usually rushing, but I enjoy sniping too

7. What is the reason that you want to join -bZ- gaming club ? Looks like a solid clan, also enjoy the servers

8. PB_GUID: and/or STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:1707257

9 .Prior Clan Experience: Spend 1/2 year in a BFBC2 clan called Battle Legion.

10. Prior League Experience: CAL cs 1.6 if that counts...

11.Additional Information: Hope to see everyone on the server

12.Availability for play: Nearly 24/7


-bZ- Member
welcome to the horde


-bZ- Member
Welcome to Banzore , a recruiting admin will be in touch with you shortly. Look forward to gaming with ya , good luck on your app. :mrgreen:


Been here since the beginning
-bZ- Member
Hey Shoe. Thanks for applying with banzore. We have a great group of guys and gals here. We play a different variety of games (cod4, mw2, bfbc2 and moh)

Check your private messages. I will be sending you Recruitment Guidelines. It will explain how your recruitment will go and also tell's ya some do's and don'ts here at club banzore!

Good luck with your recruitment!


Been here since the beginning
-bZ- Member
Process starts 11/2/2010 and ends on 11/16/2010

Good luck with your recruitment


-bZ- Member
come on team speak please you have to spend time on team speak to let people get to know you


-bZ- Member
jojo said:
come on team speak please you have to spend time on team speak to let people get to know you
I would love to join in on the TS fun. Only It requires a password...


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
SHoEBoXX said:
jojo said:
come on team speak please you have to spend time on team speak to let people get to know you
I would love to join in on the TS fun. Only It requires a password...
PM sent with IP and pw