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Someone Mad at me LOOOL


-bZ- Member
Griefing is still griefing, regardless of who’s involved—it’s against the rules. The issue is that while you might be just messing with Kosh, other players might see this and think it's acceptable behavior, leading to more and more people doing it frequently.
LMAO, Now you wanna by like "I dont care" but when you posted "till I colpase" you where trying to be "badass" LMAO ... CRINGE
LMAO taunting he says LMAO taunting xD, what poor choice of words... the only one being taunt here is YOU by DJGrouch whom clearly did a great job since you immediately created this thread to whine about it, did you really think he didn't know what he was doing?. LMAO Oh boy you are gettin so OWNED across all threads including your own....
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Rambo, don’t waste your time on someone whose immature, runs their mouth like there shit don’t stink. Too bad for him I’m the shit and he’s just passing gas.

He still living in mommy’s basement, she gives him an allowance to spend. I bet if we show up to his door he will hide behind mommy, but it could benefit us. Smack shit out of him and fuck his moms, two birds with one stone.. Ah, we’ll have to make him our step son after and set him straight, apparently daddy failed badly.

At the end of the day, the kid is just seeking attention as we can tell, he has no friends to talk to or to game with. What a pathetic waste of dust, he’s just spare parts. Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.