Star Wars: The Old Republic

Thought the good guys and bad guys joined different servers.

This is obviously over my brain bandwidth

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Is it PvP or do you take on bots and the computer?
Bad guys and good guys on same server. The only time they interact though is to kill eachother.

I joined what is called a PvE server. On a PvE server if you and a bad guy are in the same area he can not attack you and vice versa unless you flag yourself as PvP and he does as well.

That means to level up I do quests and kill mobs or bots if you prefer. But there are PvP warzones and areas where you get to kill the other side.

The other type of server called PvP server means that if you and a bad guy are in the same area he can attack you and you can attack him without provocation.

The problem with PvP servers is that if you are out leveling and some higher level character sees you they will destroy you without mercy and pretty much ruin your night, that isn't fun for me.
plaino said:
The other type of server called PvP server means that if you and a bad guy are in the same area he can attack you and you can attack him without provocation.The problem with PvP servers is that if you are out leveling and some higher level character sees you they will destroy you without mercy and pretty much ruin your night, that isn't fun for me.
its not so bad on SWTOR cause you cant go into really low areas or Imp/Rep only planets to grief lowbies....and plaino your a punk for playing on a carebear server. Play on a real server like Saber of Exar Kun.
T4gUr1t said:
plaino said:
The other type of server called PvP server means that if you and a bad guy are in the same area he can attack you and you can attack him without provocation.The problem with PvP servers is that if you are out leveling and some higher level character sees you they will destroy you without mercy and pretty much ruin your night, that isn't fun for me.
its not so bad on SWTOR cause you cant go into really low areas or Imp/Rep only planets to grief lowbies....and plaino your a punk for playing on a carebear server. Play on a real server like Saber of Exar Kun.
Whatever, to each is own. I am happy and enjoy where I am playing.
you get to lvl 50 yet plaino?
I was thinking about it. If they're still playing it by February, I'll think about it again...
plaino said:
I havent been playing as much as i normally do or want to, damm real life. I am only around level 35. u?
I have too many alts

39-Imperal Agent Sniper

37-Bounty Hunter Powertech

27-Jedi Knight Guardian

25-Sith Warrior Marauder

23-Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer