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Swag & Panda

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Funny story about Swag and Panda that I have is that for a while they were being alittle weird about the pregnant man emoji in Discord so they started manually removing all of them from every message in the channel.

But it had a kind of Barbara Streissand effect where a few of us just started using that emoji for nearly all of their messages to joke around with them and eventually Panda blocked me to stop the emoji madness which sucks because I enjoyed playing with him and now I can't message him to tell him I'm late and he's the father. :(

Anyways why did they leave?
Funny story about Swag and Panda that I have is that for a while they were being alittle weird about the pregnant man emoji in Discord so they started manually removing all of them from every message in the channel.

But it had a kind of Barbara Streissand effect where a few of us just started using that emoji for nearly all of their messages to joke around with them and eventually Panda blocked me to stop the emoji madness which sucks because I enjoyed playing with him and now I can't message him to tell him I'm late and he's the father. :(

Anyways why did they leave?
Insemination inception.

Naw. Things have simmered down it seems. Panda was even in game and discord the other day and we were able to play and communicate just fine. His 'tism levels were low. It's when stuff outside of the game gets brought in and double standards and hypocrisy gets fed that tends to flood everything. I can play and get along with anyone. I don't like Fuss, Panda, or Swag, but I could still play with them and communicate effectively with them without things getting silly as I have before.

The holier art thou attitude, double standards, hypocrisy, contempt for players and completely shitting on donators was stifling. They could dish it out but didn't like it when they were called out on it.
I only saw the stuff on the forums so that's all I can comment on. Ideally I'd like for no one to leave and for everyone to get along. This game has too few players as it is, we don't need more people leaving.
Nobody should be proud if Swag or Panda quit. They do over 60% of the appeals and reports now, leaving mobius alone. Everyone cheering is just hoping for the downfall of all the servers. No reports being handled will bring more griefers and make more people leave. Bunny and Covert should go play on an anarchy server instead. Badmins, even if they aren't Badmins, are better than no admins at all.


-bZ- Member
Sad to see you guys go. wish both of you the best of luck on your non-bZ ventures!
Nobody should be proud if Swag or Panda quit. They do over 60% of the appeals and reports now, leaving mobius alone. Everyone cheering is just hoping for the downfall of all the servers. No reports being handled will bring more griefers and make more people leave. Bunny and Covert should go play on an anarchy server instead. Badmins, even if they aren't Badmins, are better than no admins at all.
Swag is a fucking goof in the true Canadian definition of the word.

Told ya'll I was in his head and under his skin.

Panda, you will be missed.


-bZ- Member
1718903643370.png1718903652157.pngWhy delete this, covert?
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