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Tighter Ping Restriction and Proper Tickrate


-bZ- Member
200 is a good limit just because we have domestic players who connect on DSL.

Myself I have fabulous bandwidth but my work computer's VPN sometimes fucks things up and I end up deciding between playing BF4 or working.

Amazing how that never quite works out in favor of my job. :cool:
Ive got 1Gbps download and upload and on the server screen it says i have 40 ping to the server. As soon as i load in it doubles to 80 which make zero sense apart from the people abusing ping and using VPN to stay within ping limit. Its unfair and BS. There is Zero reason why someone with lower ping is dying due to "desync" because of the people playing on 180 ping. If the servers were actually 60HZ Desync wouldnt be a thing because the server would be checking enough to keep it insync otherwise they would be rubber banding which leads me to beleive the servers are the same tickrate as PS3 and Xbox 360 days.
I completely agree with you—high pingers really ruin the experience. However, discussions like this tend to frustrate Neo. I had a bit of a run-in with him on the forums, but we sorted it out. I think it would make sense to have a more reasonable limit during peak hours, while keeping the higher limits during off-peak times to keep the server active. But honestly, if I see that half the team has high pings, I'm out.
200 is a good limit just because we have domestic players who connect on DSL.

Myself I have fabulous bandwidth but my work computer's VPN sometimes fucks things up and I end up deciding between playing BF4 or working.

Amazing how that never quite works out in favor of my job. :cool:
Didn’t the minimum network requirements for this game jump compared to BF3?
I completely agree with you—high pingers really ruin the experience. However, discussions like this tend to frustrate Neo. I had a bit of a run-in with him on the forums, but we sorted it out. I think it would make sense to have a more reasonable limit during peak hours, while keeping the higher limits during off-peak times to keep the server active. But honestly, if I see that half the team has high pings, I'm out.
I can understand having it set a certain way to "maintain" server population, but at the same time it makes zero sense why the Hitreg feels worse than bf3 on launch day. There is no excuse for "60hz" servers to feel worse than the original 28 hz servers that ps3 had for bf3 or the if i recall correctly 32hz that was for ps3 on bf4 launch. Back then the hitreg was crap but it wasn't terrible as long as you didn't have 150 ping. Having 80 ping on a "60hz" server shooting at someone that has ~180 ping yea i can understand there being some lag to my shots because of their ping but they take zero damage and kill me the instant i start shooting. That's not how Ping advantage is supposed to work which leads me to believe the servers are either setup totally wrong or the ping report is straight lying. Either way its absolute BS. and the other servers that are populated are hosted by TBG Clan and i don't condone playing on their servers as they let know cheaters play on the servers without repercussion.
What Silent said, is the proper compromise, should there be a compromise, or in some other fantasy ... . I play sometimes in the morning before work, and the only people really on have 160 average pings. Its brutal as hell, but I move on to play anways, and these guys with the high pings in the morning actually seed the server and as someone who wants the server played on, such as an admin, thats a hard sell to say, "hey get rid of these guys". However its completely reasonable to, at peak US times say, 7PM eastern to 12AM Eastern, to restrict higher ping levels. Of course the other option is retaining a server, knowing it wont be filled, and restricting ping and having it enforced. But I am in the camp that does in fact see that it is very much harder all around to kill 180 and above pingers. Not so hard for them to lay waste to you. And dont get going on the shots made by a 180 ping when your CLEARLY behind or rather run behind cover. On their screen your still not covered. On a "normal" pings player screen, you are covered. That exists and no one here is gonna change my mind on that. Whatever dice/ea did to have a ping correction, is way, way too high. Perhaps some, but its insane.


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
It’s either an empty server or foreigners at certain hours. People to shoot is better than no one to shoot.
Ya, get rid of those high pings... Is not "that many" to kill the server, but yest they are enough to kill the fun... Just saying