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What does everyone do?

Entrepreneur, businessman, inventor in the plastics manufacturing industry primarily. I co-invented biodegradable nitrile gloves for the medical and industrial markets as well as construction building blocks and bricks made of recycled plastics and glass. I own the Change Plastics for Good IP Patent that turns plastics biodegradable. In addition to IP, I build factories from conception to erection, I am building 3 nitrile glove factories in the continental US over the next 7 years.
Entrepreneur, businessman, inventor in the plastics manufacturing industry primarily. I co-invented biodegradable nitrile gloves for the medical and industrial markets as well as construction building blocks and bricks made of recycled plastics and glass. I own the Change Plastics for Good IP Patent that turns plastics biodegradable. In addition to IP, I build factories from conception to erection, I am building 3 nitrile glove factories in the continental US over the next 7 years.
Dam that a level of achievement I’ll never match but that’s really awesome stuff… Good for the nation too
Thank you everyone for responding. Now…

What would everyone prefer to do rather than your current occupation.

I would personally love to create a review channel of all Warhammer Books and my thoughts.. currently on book 52 of the 54 book series. If one could make money doing that - it would be real nice.
Entrepreneur, businessman, inventor in the plastics manufacturing industry primarily. I co-invented biodegradable nitrile gloves for the medical and industrial markets as well as construction building blocks and bricks made of recycled plastics and glass. I own the Change Plastics for Good IP Patent that turns plastics biodegradable. In addition to IP, I build factories from conception to erection, I am building 3 nitrile glove factories in the continental US over the next 7 years.
BF4 is the definitive Autism Speaks playerbase. Not knocking you, but man, we are all veeeeery special in our own ways. You also had me at 'erection'.
I was a district manager for a large facilities management company out of Boston, for about 10 years. I had about 125 employees as well as numerous supervisors under my direct supervision. I handled all payroll, ordering, budgets, as well as scheduling all large work projects, from which I also made commissions from. It was a pretty tasty job. They sold out to a canadian company that closed my area office. Out of a support staff of about 40 people, I was, in fact, the last man standing. They kept me around for almost a year until, they just couldn't anymore, unless I moved. Which at the time wasn't going to happen. I took the custodian job out of necessity and a bandaid job lasted more than 10 years. I now am going back to school to get a piece of papper that will allow me to be a facilities director at a public school. I kinda like what I do...in a strange way.
I was a district manager for a large facilities management company out of Boston, for about 10 years. I had about 125 employees as well as numerous supervisors under my direct supervision. I handled all payroll, ordering, budgets, as well as scheduling all large work projects, from which I also made commissions from. It was a pretty tasty job. They sold out to a canadian company that closed my area office. Out of a support staff of about 40 people, I was, in fact, the last man standing. They kept me around for almost a year until, they just couldn't anymore, unless I moved. Which at the time wasn't going to happen. I took the custodian job out of necessity and a bandaid job lasted more than 10 years. I now am going back to school to get a piece of papper that will allow me to be a facilities director at a public school. I kinda like what I do...in a strange way.
white glove treatment


Thank you everyone for responding. Now…

What would everyone prefer to do rather than your current occupation.

I would personally love to create a review channel of all Warhammer Books and my thoughts.. currently on book 52 of the 54 book series. If one could make money doing that - it would be real nice.

TBH, I'm already doing what I love sooooooooo ..... so I guess I'd rather start ignoring my family to play games with friends earlier than 10pm lol
I read somewhere recently, Tusk was starting a whore house, but running it by hand until employees could be hired?

P/T Firearms/Driving Instructor


-bZ- Member
Thank you everyone for responding. Now…

What would everyone prefer to do rather than your current occupation.

I would personally love to create a review channel of all Warhammer Books and my thoughts.. currently on book 52 of the 54 book series. If one could make money doing that - it would be real nice.
Food science is a second choice, but I love what I do.


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
I’m an MIS Analyst at a national luxury apartment company, but that job title is weird and isn’t really what I do. I’m on the internal helpdesk team with tier I, II, and sysadmin responsibilities (I don’t interact with tenants, except for my neighbors ;3 )

What I do outside of work is a mystery known only to a few.
Entrepreneur, businessman, inventor in the plastics manufacturing industry primarily. I co-invented biodegradable nitrile gloves for the medical and industrial markets as well as construction building blocks and bricks made of recycled plastics and glass. I own the Change Plastics for Good IP Patent that turns plastics biodegradable. In addition to IP, I build factories from conception to erection, I am building 3 nitrile glove factories in the continental US over the next 7 years.
hey said erection...