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Whats Your PlayStyle?


-bZ- Member
Mine is abit more tactical game play style. I personally dont usually do the run & gun. I always try & communicate as a team, work together & take Objectives. Always love hearing everyone else playstyle

Never been a run-n-gun type. I prefer playing objectives like capping a particular flag and holding it, killing an enemy asset over and over, sniping at the snipers, and doing sneaky stuff to make people wonder where I am.


Mine is abit more tactical game play style. I personally dont usually do the run & gun. I always try & communicate as a team, work together & take Objectives. Always love hearing everyone else playstyle
I love to PTO. My K/d is usually pretty terrible, but I still enjoy just trying to be a great help for the team by PTO, repairing vehicles, etc
Infi, all about capping obj. Often flanking when the team digs themselves into a hole. Occasional AMTRAC/RHIB gunner.