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Where is BZ1.5, my favorite server? I want it NOW ! :P

After thinking about it hard, have they finally found the final solution against the players who were supposedly harming the BZ1.5 server? Shut down the server!

After thinking about it hard, have they finally found the final solution against the players who were supposedly harming the BZ1.5 server? Shut down the server!

Cant farm low level players if there is no server... genius! Its like Einstein, Tesla and Velikovski had baby and named it Banzore! I know its a joke but what if... lol. If there is one, do you know which server the bZ1.5 regulars are playing on most or is it pretty scattered? A few regulars and bss were on AARP last night and it ALMOST felt like home. After years of playing with the same people on the same server I almost cannot play with randos on a different server now, like its supremely unfulfilling for some reason :confused:


-bZ- Member
I love playing both BF1 and BF1.5. I go between them depending on map. I also search to find where prime is so I can give him some competition lol. Miss having the 2 servers because 1.5 plays less meat grinder style maps. :( is there any update on its return?
I love playing both BF1 and BF1.5. I go between them depending on map. I also search to find where prime is so I can give him some competition lol. Miss having the 2 servers because 1.5 plays less meat grinder style maps. :( is there any update on its return?
We might be witnessing the beginning of the end. If these servers keep getting attacked like this how can they justify paying for them? This might be an organic or possibly an inorganic pretense at shutting them down. Maybe as of now banzore lacks the manning to adequately moderate all the servers so a few have to go. Comic originally just joked about it being an inside job but I just cant stop tumbling that idea around in my head, one thing I have learned in my short 26 years on the Earth is that nothing is as it seems. Hopefully there's no funny business and they come back soon though!
We might be witnessing the beginning of the end. If these servers keep getting attacked like this how can they justify paying for them? This might be an organic or possibly an inorganic pretense at shutting them down. Maybe as of now banzore lacks the manning to adequately moderate all the servers so a few have to go. Comic originally just joked about it being an inside job but I just cant stop tumbling that idea around in my head, one thing I have learned in my short 26 years on the Earth is that nothing is as it seems. Hopefully there's no funny business and they come back soon though!
We might be witnessing the beginning of the end. If these servers keep getting attacked like this how can they justify paying for them? This might be an organic or possibly an inorganic pretense at shutting them down. Maybe as of now banzore lacks the manning to adequately moderate all the servers so a few have to go. Comic originally just joked about it being an inside job but I just cant stop tumbling that idea around in my head, one thing I have learned in my short 26 years on the Earth is that nothing is as it seems. Hopefully there's no funny business and they come back soon though!
Why would neo pay for the cost of DDoSing the servers if he doesn't want to run them anymore if he can just shut them down on his own? I'm not sure this conspiracy checks out.
Why would neo pay for the cost of DDoSing the servers if he doesn't want to run them anymore if he can just shut them down on his own? I'm not sure this conspiracy checks out.
Who knows man I know its not likely, it was just a thought. One should consider all possibilities though.