Why not Trump?

A question for my American friends? ..... why not? The guy hasn't changed his ideas for the past what 30 years?.... I'd love the see the United States on top of the world again. Tired of politicians... it's time for a strong businessman ? What do you think?

He's not a corrupt politician and why you see all the attack ads calling him a racist and a bigot.... that's what strikes me as authenticity. I got lots of family in the US and they are sick of the lies... Obamacare. That was a joke.....

trump train david dees.jpg
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I think nobody really likes to talk politics in the forums.
I agree with CR8Z.  I'm fairly outspoken on the issues when the subject rears it's ugly head IRL, but we're here for a very different purpose.  Politics divide, no matter how tight nit the group is.  Lets just drink beer and play video games together.


Why not? Posting information that some might want to see or hear. Maybe should be post all the awesome thing's the other candidate does lol
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Why not talk about it?........... People shouldn't talk about politics?!? That sounds like enemy propaganda rolling across the picket lines.....


How does that make sense?  We should be encouraging debate. It builds community.

We shouldn't stifle controversy among our readers,- we need to welcome it.

Let that be understood if you want people to visit these forums regularly. We must all do our part to open discussion of pertinent topics and information. We do live in a free society.

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Or just stop being a fucking pussy and tell us what you think.
In my experience, online forums are horrible places for discussion of nuanced topics such as politics and religion due to a reader's inability to gauge context and intent from any given post, and the inevitable trolling and derailing that takes place. (See "Spiderman Threads".

Your last post, in which you call me a fucking pussy (or you called somebody a fucking pussy, the context is not clear) is a perfect example of why forums are a horrible place for a serious discussion on such personal and inflammatory subjects. We've already sunk to name-calling only 9 posts in.

Nobody is saying you can't have such a discussion here, just that I think it's a bad idea. I've done the internet before.

If it does get too flamey in here, the thread may get locked.

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Politics aside is posting a clearly anti semetic image on a gaming forum really the proper place, perhaps you mistook banzore as an alt-right website or maybe 4chan.
Just stirring the pot.... just stirring the pot.