World of Tanks Leaderboards


-bZ- Code Monkey
Hey, I am going to make a leaderboard for WoT just like our BF4 one.

Can you guys post in here the usernames (WoT names) of those that play?
Now will this automatically update itself or do you have to physically do it yourself? I've sent out requests to join the bz wot page (DOTS and CR8Z). Please check the site!

Hillbilly I have accepted your invite, sorry for the hiccup not to sure why you didn't get a invite.
Now will this automatically update itself or do you have to physically do it yourself? I've sent out requests to join the bz wot page (DOTS and CR8Z). Please check the site!

Hillbilly I have accepted your invite, sorry for the hiccup not to sure why you didn't get a invite.
Which part, the stats or the platoon?
Will the stats update itself?

Hillbilly will need to have the (-bZ-) tag next to his name, cr8z will also once he accepts my request to join.