WTF IS WRONG GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-bZ- Member
Bloody SVChost.exe is taking up 95K resources, no wonder im lagging! Is this normal?

JOJO on your desktop? thats just wrong.

as far as the picture. i thought i was the only one searching for gay wrestling.
He hasn't been here that long, but he's been here long enough. I guess this one's a keeper.

But cereally, you shouldn't store documents on your desktop; it slows your shit down.

Also, work on cutting back on some of those processes. I try to run mine in the 50s or 60s when I'm gaming.
CR8Z said:
He hasn't been here that long, but he's been here long enough. I guess this one's a keeper.But cereally, you shouldn't store documents on your desktop; it slows your shit down.

Also, work on cutting back on some of those processes. I try to run mine in the 50s or 60s when I'm gaming.
Lol thanks...ya ill try to keep the processes down, as well as my penis when i think about JoJo.
Pretty sure this was about jojo on the desktop and the sucking cock windows more the it was about memory usage. Just a hunch :wink:
Lets stay on track here....WTF is JoJo doing on your desk top. Maybe just me but don't you guys find this just WRONG.jojo.jpg

I'm about this big!!!!!
BIGDOG said:
Lets stay on track here....WTF is JoJo doing on your desk top. Maybe just me but don't you guys find this just WRONG.
I'm about this big!!!!!
asdkfjsadklf6587o7u8ashkfhsdakjhfjdsafk9jasdg89546djkfhsadjkfhasdjkfhjkasdhfjkdsahfjkahsdfjkhasdjkfhsdajkfhsadjkhfjksdahfjksdahfkjasdhjkfljlajewiojoiwfmasoifjou3289u93u298rj2398jf98j98ajf8997674639jr892jr89547qwfgxg9rj89a2j89rja29rj892ajr98a2jr89a2jr9j29rj92ajr982jr982jr89a2j483ojjasegh9823hj4qijtg38094joigje890j j3q84jt3q8gf80 j43q089 q398jtg3q8 894j9 83jq98 j93qj8 j9j89tj9jt9jt9j43tj3489qjt 4q9j 89q8j9q j9jt 3qj8tj389jq9tj3q8jt89tjtj43j890jt6398jt3904jfwehef62gfgsygbjvb95ky09k56j,ki03wj78fg23hy671r5f65f1df123jh89 j4893j398j j98j389j937hg783hgf4g4 h89j38f3

Oh sorry that was me cleaning up the jizz from my keyboard after viewing that picture. Well, when you guys posted the link of his youtube videos on teamspeak that one night, I immediately went to it. It was the best decision i've made this year. Now he is permanently on my desktop.

He might wanna fuk you never jnow tho. Jojo is unpredictable :/

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