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Ylohx - way too good for no haxx


-bZ- Member
Yea, no. I'm not reading all of that, especially since your 2nd paragraph and few others are junk. It's obvious he is cheating and I'm not going to hold your hand and walk you through it. There is actually a way one can tell he is cheating, that shows "his hand". It won't help you if you know, cause you're blind.

But do go off. You wasted your time writing all of that, and were still wrong.

It's not you that I want to read it. It's the other 2000 threadviews I want to read this shit. I know that you weren't aware of this, because you think this is about you, or 1Pilot. It's about the mafia (BF4DB/3rd party AC) killing the game/banzore by 'badmin'.

AFAIK Banzore has wide reach within most, or all AC's for BF4. So they are the same. I've heard admins talk about bans and banning, a long time ago. They once killed their servers IIRC because of too much badmin. Well, the same thing is happening now, through 3rd party anti-cheat banning players that don't(or not publicly proven) even cheat. Bans players arbitrarily.

I'd like to see a lead admin in the 3rd party anti-cheat do something to the arbitrary banning. Publish sufficient evidence in the very least. Some of the officials in BF4DB can't even follow the rules on banzore servers, or act unbiased in the least. As I said, I wouldn't even put them in charge of floor sweeping.

You and your buttbuddy are just in the position of railroading a player that doesn't (well, not proven to my satisfaction) cheat, and your evidence is "trust me bro, you're blind and stupid". Instead of starting a new thread, I'll pickup on this one, and challenge anyone reading this to use their common sense. The "evidence" is straight up mediocre gameplay = player gets banned. Seems good? Nah. I'll speak up about the shitty people banning players just cuz they don't like them, or whatever.

Not good enough for me, sorry. And I am not wasting my time, I live for autistic forum threads, ask anyone in here.

Edit: going to sleep
It's not you that I want to read it. It's the other 2000 threadviews I want to read this shit. I know that you weren't aware of this, because you think this is about you, or 1Pilot. It's about the mafia (BF4DB/3rd party AC) killing the game/banzore by 'badmin'.
This is BS. Plain and simple.
AFAIK Banzore has wide reach within most, or all AC's for BF4. So they are the same. I've heard admins talk about bans and banning, a long time ago. They once killed their servers IIRC because of too much badmin. Well, the same thing is happening now, through 3rd party anti-cheat banning players that don't(or not publicly proven) even cheat. Bans players arbitrarily.
1pilot was proven to be cheating. By banzore players submitting proof to the bf4 people. Your opinion is irrelevant.
You and your buttbuddy are just in the position of railroading a player that doesn't (well, not proven to my satisfaction) cheat, and your evidence is "trust me bro, you're blind and stupid". Instead of starting a new thread, I'll pickup on this one, and challenge anyone reading this to use their common sense. The "evidence" is straight up mediocre gameplay = player gets banned. Seems good? Nah. I'll speak up about the shitty people banning players just cuz they don't like them, or whatever.
Again, your satifaction is irrelevant, you're not THAT important. You are just one guy who has terrible observation skills, OR you're ignoring the evidence.
The thing is, it wasn't just "2 people". It was whole lot of people, who had no affiliation with each other at the time, that observed him and saw he was aimbotting and using esp. Some weren't even killed by him and hust spectated. I didn't even submit proof, as I can't record. But I did see him tracking people beyond the line of sight and he knew where people were that weren't spotted.
You seriously have an overinflated view of self, to think you need to be satisfied with more ecidence, especially when the provided evidence was pretty blatant.
I think @FluffMuffin94 has a point with the mafia comment actually, I also think over-spectating good players might lead to some false-positive bans. If you spectate anyone long enough you're bound to catch enough 'lucky shots' to make a compilation that looks like cheating, maybe that is what happened with KROW. On the other hand, KROW's playing was wildly inconsistent and was totally spectator dependant: no spectator: 120-0, with spectator: 12-8.

I hope there is a good appeal process in case someone gets flagged for cheating but is innocent, I also think that appeal process should be made more public. Did @ylohx ever try and appeal his ban? If not then he probably was cheating and this whole conversation is pointless anyways.
I think @FluffMuffin94 has a point with the mafia comment actually, I also think over-spectating good players might lead to some false-positive bans. If you spectate anyone long enough you're bound to catch enough 'lucky shots' to make a compilation that looks like cheating, maybe that is what happened with KROW. On the other hand, KROW's playing was wildly inconsistent and was totally spectator dependant: no spectator: 120-0, with spectator: 12-8.
That was happening with 1pilot. He is a decent player no matter, but he was noticeable sucky when someone was spectating him. He was missing shots when rarely missed before.
I agree with FluffMuffin, there needs to be more transparency if they want to be trusted. was this evidence not sufficient enough to get them banned on battlefield agency? seems like it should be all or none.


the ban reason shows "ESP/Wallhack" but it is unclear where that is shown @DjGrouch

"oh yeah there's no way, there's no fuckin way, how did he know that was there?"

at 1:09 do you see the sniper on the right of the screen running around the corner? he is looking for them.. not the beacon. pause the video and hit . and , to step forward and backwards so you can see the sniper running.


"Watch at min 2, his fight with another chopper. Crosshairs were under the chopper the whole time, while he was rising up on it, yet every bullet his with perfect accuracy.

I've got thousands of hours in choppers via bf2, 3 and 4, he shouldn't be able to get hits with the crosshairs not lining with the bullet travel and drop."
that is 100% spectator mode inaccuracy @beerus @Beerus141

You can clearly see him following through walls at a chopper that never entered his field of vison
you can hear the enemy helicopter on the right side in the video, so he knows it is flying past and it is not above the building, and then you can see the tracers from the gunner shooting so he knows where it has gone to.

Did @ylohx ever try and appeal his ban? If not then he probably was cheating and this whole conversation is pointless anyways.
good question!
I hope there is a good appeal process in case someone gets flagged for cheating but is innocent, I also think that appeal process should be made more public. Did @ylohx ever try and appeal his ban? If not then he probably was cheating and this whole conversation is pointless anyways.
Remember, he didn't get banned here, he got banned by the bf4 people. Joel sumbitted a video and they responded that he wouldn't be banned, because nothing was for certain that he was hacking. It wasn't till Slick posted his that he got banned. He just wasn't careful enough
I agree with FluffMuffin, there needs to be more transparency if they want to be trusted. was this evidence not sufficient enough to get them banned on battlefield agency? seems like it should be all or none.


the ban reason shows "ESP/Wallhack" but it is unclear where that is shown @DjGrouch

at 1:09 do you see the sniper on the right of the screen running around the corner? he is looking for them.. not the beacon. pause the video and hit . and , to step forward and backwards so you can see the sniper running.

View attachment 13127

that is 100% spectator mode inaccuracy @beerus @Beerus141

you can hear the enemy helicopter on the right side in the video, so he knows it is flying past and it is not above the building, and then you can see the tracers from the gunner shooting so he knows where it has gone to.

good question!
I agree there always needs to be more transparency. I’d like to see evidence attached to banned accounts so players know if they have been fairly busted. if the community is to trust 3rd party gate keepers of BF4 then there needs to be as much transparency as possible….
I agree with FluffMuffin, there needs to be more transparency if they want to be trusted. was this evidence not sufficient enough to get them banned on battlefield agency? seems like it should be all or none.


the ban reason shows "ESP/Wallhack" but it is unclear where that is shown @DjGrouch

at 1:09 do you see the sniper on the right of the screen running around the corner? he is looking for them.. not the beacon. pause the video and hit . and , to step forward and backwards so you can see the sniper running.

View attachment 13127

that is 100% spectator mode inaccuracy @beerus @Beerus141

you can hear the enemy helicopter on the right side in the video, so he knows it is flying past and it is not above the building, and then you can see the tracers from the gunner shooting so he knows where it has gone to.

good question!
That is a seemingly good explanation, but I don't think he saw him. My eyesight is better than 20/20 and I barely noticed him and mainly because you pointed it out. You had to slow it down to make that out.
Still, that pribably wasn't what got him banned. It was on flood zone
My eyesight is better than 20/20 and I barely noticed him and mainly because you pointed it out. You had to slow it down to make that out.
Still, that pribably wasn't what got him banned. It was on flood zone
no comment on the first half, but the flood zone video isn't listed anywhere on the bf4db report thread: https://bf4db.com/player/ban/1006485831141

there should not be any "probably" when it comes to permanent bans.

Superman Prime:
"I would be [unintelligible], I would be so happy if you got that dude banned, that would be amazing, make my night, that would be my birthday present, it would be everybody's birthday present"
yeah we already know your opinion without you even seeing any of this footage, you are literally in the game on his team while this is being recorded, so your opinion on all of this is biased from the start.

"I just, I don't know how he sees most of this shit, like if he's not cheating then I don't understand how he can like see spawn beacons and shit from like across the map"
he probably isn't playing on a laptop, we are seeing the game with your video settings.. who knows what his settings are or even what monitor he is using. you also can't tell when he is looking at the map, those buildings don't have any basement you could put a beacon in, so there is only one spot they can be, on the roof.
yeah we already know your opinion without you even seeing any of this footage, you are literally in the game on his team while this is being recorded, so your opinion on all of this is biased from the start.
Lol it's nt biased when I know he is cheating. I've spectated him several times and that was ever before he killed me. You can't just claim someone is biased just cause you don't like what they said
Let me clarify, I submitted some videos to bf4db and they said it wasn't enough. I got more video but didn't get a chance to clip it before he got banned. Those videos show two instances (possibly 3) of esp and a tow hack. Once again most of the videos are a maybe, as I think he hides it well. Plus I think he's very good at the game but getting the bearing and the height of a heli across the map through fog is my nail in the coffin in my opinion.
there should not be any "probably" when it comes to permanent bans.
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.
I said probably because it is possible he did see it, and that wasn't what the powers-that-be were focused
no comment on the first half, but the flood zone video isn't listed anywhere on the bf4db report thread: https://bf4db.com/player/ban/1006485831141

there should not be any "probably" when it comes to permanent bans.

yeah we already know your opinion without you even seeing any of this footage, you are literally in the game on his team while this is being recorded, so your opinion on all of this is biased from the start.

he probably isn't playing on a laptop, we are seeing the game with your video settings.. who knows what his settings are or even what monitor he is using. you also can't tell when he is looking at the map, those buildings don't have any basement you could put a beacon in, so there is only one spot they can be, on the roof.
I honestly don't know why Im bothering with you anyway:
You are a dishonest and deceptive person. You literally posted videos of me breaking the rules, while cutting out the bits and pieces that would have gotten the guy griefing me, and the other guy that stole my AA, banned. You tried your best to paint me in light that portrayed me as a "tker and vehicle thief", while not being true in it's purest form. I didn't even intend to tk the guy in the 3rd video: both times were accidental. Funny thing, the admin saw that, and I only got a day ban for tking to get my aa back...which you conveniently cut out the part where they stole my aa.
Noone should be listening you defend this pilot moron. Too many people have wittnessed him cheating, and not because "he killed them". But you know this. Which is why I'm done talking to you about this, because people smarter than you can see he is cheating.
I think @FluffMuffin94 has a point with the mafia comment actually, I also think over-spectating good players might lead to some false-positive bans. If you spectate anyone long enough you're bound to catch enough 'lucky shots' to make a compilation that looks like cheating, maybe that is what happened with KROW. On the other hand, KROW's playing was wildly inconsistent and was totally spectator dependant: no spectator: 120-0, with spectator: 12-8.

I hope there is a good appeal process in case someone gets flagged for cheating but is innocent, I also think that appeal process should be made more public. Did @ylohx ever try and appeal his ban? If not then he probably was cheating and this whole conversation is pointless anyways.
Did krow ever appeal, or did he just fuck off as well?


-bZ- Member
You are a dishonest and deceptive person. You literally posted videos of me breaking the rules, while cutting out the bits and pieces that would have gotten the guy griefing me, and the other guy that stole my AA, banned. You tried your best to paint me in light that portrayed me as a "tker and vehicle thief", while not being true in it's purest form. I didn't even intend to tk the guy in the 3rd video: both times were accidental. Funny thing, the admin saw that, and I only got a day ban for tking to get my aa back...which you conveniently cut out the part where they stole my aa.

Even if JL did doctor the videos to only show you breaking the rules, you still did. Rule violations, even to "correct" prior griefing by others, have usually, if not always been punished the same way here. Because it's not productive to start a grief-war ingame. There is hard evidence you broke the rules, ok, maybe don't do it in the future.

Noone should be listening you defend this pilot moron. Too many people have wittnessed him cheating, and not because "he killed them". But you know this. Which is why I'm done talking to you about this, because people smarter than you can see he is cheating.

When it comes to banning cheaters:

'Everyone saw/knows 1Pilot cheats'

OK, so can you show me ANY specific kill, or string of kills, or an event ingame, that would without any doubt prove he has ESP, aimlock? I bet you can't, but go ahead and give me one (or several) timestamps and lets look at it. I'm open for looking at evidence of cheating, I don't want to play with cheaters.

@JL1834cx already pointed out some things trying to explain why he is not cheating, that is sure good and fine. Except the burden of proof should be on the person accusing somebody, not bystanders that are trying to correct a lynching of the innocent. So far, as I've said, I've not seen a single kill/event in the evidence videos that cannot be explained with:

- 1Pilot has a map, and (probably) uses it to get information
- 1Pilot has (decent/good) (gamesense/awareness) and uses it in combination with the map to make good gameplay decisions
- 1Pilot has sound enabled, which makes him able to use the audible cues to make good gameplay decisions
- 1Pilot might be a better player than me, using tools or other mechanics in the game to get information I don't know about
- etc.

Noone should be listening you defend this pilot moron. Too many people have wittnessed him cheating, and not because "he killed them". But you know this. Which is why I'm done talking to you about this, because people smarter than you can see he is cheating.

I for one, am trying to have a discussion, to discover evidence of cheating. Can you provide any? Or are you going to revert back to this statement a third time? Paraphrased:

"You are bad at the game, blind and stupid" Yeah, how is that evidence of anything, other than showing me, and anyone else reading this, who you are?

Lets go ahead and ban anybody who: /s warning

- Might be cheating
- Probably is cheating
- "I would be [unintelligible], I would be so happy if you got that dude banned, that would be amazing, make my night, that would be my birthday present, it would be everybody's birthday present"

Or, if I might come with a suggestion:

- Lets ban players that we can prove beyond reasonable doubt, cheats. Instead of lynchmobbing any player that is better than the players currently judging them in a bugged out spectator view, that doesn't even show when a player is using the map to gather information.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: Lets not use the mafia ban system to get rid of players we/you don't like, without evidence. Then telling the banned player "prove to us that you DO NOT cheat". Maybe in a case of 1:100.000 there is such a good player, that this method is applicable, but certainly not at the rate we are currently at.

Is it really too much to ask, that before a player is banned by the mafia, evidence is published? Preferably with comments, if the cheating is not obvious.

Funny thing, I am pretty sure the mafia has extensive requirements to the quality and recording of any gameplay evidence that would prove you are NOT cheating. Then on the other hand, KROW got banned, and the evidence listed is a video in 240p, with no apparent cheating in it.

On the other hand, KROW's playing was wildly inconsistent and was totally spectator dependant: no spectator: 120-0, with spectator: 12-8.

If this is the case, what does it prove? Have you never played a good vehicle round, for then to do some meme shit with you squad while performing very mediocre, or poorly? I sure have.

I hope there is a good appeal process in case someone gets flagged for cheating but is innocent, I also think that appeal process should be made more public. Did @ylohx ever try and appeal his ban? If not then he probably was cheating and this whole conversation is pointless anyways.

Did krow ever appeal, or did he just fuck off as well?

Easy to get banned, hard to appeal. That's how it is, when it should be the other way around. Ban cheaters, yes! Can we prove someone cheats? No? Ok, lets not ban them then? Is that too hard for the ego inflated mafia? To let players better than them play the game? Or has the mafia deteriorated down to VQ37 levels?

I know one thing. If I ever get banned by some low self esteem cuckolds that think I am cheating, I'm not going to submit to a rigged appeal process. They ban people with no (published) evidence, do you really think you're gonna get them to unban you? They've obviously made up their mind, and don't want good players playing this game.

A mafia ban (mafia = 3rd party anti-cheat, such as BF4DB or BattlefieldAgency) is the same as a permanent ban from the game. Unless you have enough tech knowledge to avoid it, you can't play the game anymore (on servers that run their anti-cheat, which is essentially ALL OF THEM)

I left because of this garbage. I looked back, came back. What do I see? The same stuff. Players banned with no evidence, because they are good, or better than the people sitting with the power to permanently ban you. It's just sad to see. I spent a lot of time in my favourite game, tried to clean up the servers, gave money to support. And this is what it boils down to in the end?

A select few, arbitrarily removing good players

I removed myself, when I saw this earlier. Won't take long until I remove myself again. If you wonder why, it's because I think the game is boring without good players in it. Any decent player (that isnt banned by the mafia because of connections) can hop into a server and win singlehandedly. Sounds boring as fuck to me, and I've experienced it, it is boring.

It's not about me. Or 1Pilot, or KROW, or any of the other people that hold no power. It's about the corrupt (system/select few individuals) that removes players arbitrarily. I witness it. I don't like what I see. I speak about it because I care about my favourite game.

Who can fix this? Senior admin(s) with influence in the mafia can fix it, some of which are here.


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
I agree there always needs to be more transparency. I’d like to see evidence attached to banned accounts so players know if they have been fairly busted. if the community is to trust 3rd party gate keepers of BF4 then there needs to be as much transparency as possible….

Both BA and BF4DB include the evidence used for banning in the actual, public facing ban and/or on the players profile.

Also, there is no mafia lol, BA and BF4DB are independent groups that function autonomously on their own.