Your -bZ- weekly schedule

I had to wait to get in the server last night; it was hoppin'!

So many people in our Black Ops server, but we decided that we better hadn't recruit in there since none of us were actually black ops dudes.
thanks to the folks that showed up for bf2bc night!

i don't think i got everybody but here's a ss while the server was full

tonite is a cod black cocks night, we should start this around 830 and if it's like last time switch to bf2bc after an hour if none of the black cocks guys show up.
forgot to add last weeks attendance.

That's that for cod black ops night... anybody have another idea for wed nights. i'm all ears.

you guys ever figure out what was going on for wed nights? I'm going to change the first post to nothing until we figure something out.

updating first post now!
UFC fight this weekend


card isn't super but might be fun to get together and watch

remember pay per views start @ 9 now instead of 10 eastern