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Hallo, warum komme ich seit gestern früh nicht mehr auf den Server?? Es steht immer da (Du wurdest von einem Admin ausgeschlossen) ?? Hätte da jemand einen Rat?? Sensenman70 ist mein Spielername!

Longtime BF4 player since around time of release. Have a lvl 120 and lvl 45 account on Xbox that I used to play on.
Not sure if you fully understand the killfeed, but your clip clearly shows me killing acithetic (on your team) somewhere in the round. Your teammate (mark1131977) kills the amtrac, who then shows up in the feed as killing nienris. I stand falsely accused, as I never entered the amtrac or any vehicle tonight.
oh yea youre right I misinterpreted the killedfeed, ill add a reply
Thanks dude, I appreciate it