Also the double credit can be placed for future months how ever many that is if possible. Let me know if that works. Thanks man. See you in game with my knife if you jump out of that attack boat sometime Som Bich LOL. Hit me up if something cannot be done as requested.
Neo.... Raider113 here. Cancel my recurring subscription pull here please. I'm fine with one pull of $10 but not two. It's actually double pulling my $10 every month and I didn't know it. Not sure how that happened but it's been for a while. May have been my fault possibly too. Definitely cancel the additional and leave one in place.
Psst I also got him banned on his "TheLibarbian" account about 8 months ago. If he ever grew a brain and quit doing the exact same thing every map, like that idiot mudship does, I wouldn't ever be able to recognize him.