Recent content by Dustbuster

  1. Dustbuster

    BanZore Promotional Video - Under Production

    Here is a clip from Lukenator with a 21 Kill streak going on. He was wondering if there was anything in his clip to use
  2. Dustbuster

    Epsilon109 reporting for duty

    2 THUMBS UP.
  3. Dustbuster

    How many Remember ?

    By the way it was cuba libre back then. Some gay drink not a gay dancer like now. lol DRS and BFV all the way.
  4. Dustbuster

    New realtek Drivers out 2.67

    Lots of problems with Realtek High Def onboard sound and BF3. These new drivers are suppose to stop the crashing, sound loops, lockups, and rubber banding. If it doesn't its probably video card problem.
  5. Dustbuster

    From EA

    Battlefield 3 anti-cheat measures intensify By: zh1nt0 Posted: 11 hours ago 702 comments In our continued effort to minimize cheating in Battlefield 3, we recently banned another batch of several hundred confirmed cheaters based on your reports and our player behavior data. At DICE, we will...
  6. Dustbuster

    Video of my future GF ... grec_index
  7. Dustbuster

    Big thanks to Billy and BigWil

    Hey I just wanted to say thanks to you guys. Luke was so excited this morning he had to tell me first thing that you guys actually stopped what you where doing to play a couple rounds with him this morning before he went to school. You made his morning.
  8. Dustbuster

    bf2bc map pack 4

    How do we get the maps? are they just another updaye?
  9. Dustbuster

    Bad ass, new car

    That is really sweet. I have always wondered why Lexus takes 2nd seat to BMW and Mercedes. On the other hand I was driving this at work today ... ts-v_coupe And then I jumped into this 2011 Camaro Z-28 ...
  10. Dustbuster


    Watch out for this one Argen. He will try to make you squeal like a pig. Nice to have you on at the later hours with the midnight crew.
  11. Dustbuster

    Which one of you wants to take ownership of this kid!?

    Thanks Kaiser, My first thought was what the hell did Lukeanator do this time on our server>
  12. Dustbuster

    Popas13 Application

    Yo Popas. Welcome back. Sad to say a lot of us DRS guys are still here.
  13. Dustbuster

    Club Budget / Donations / Thank You

    I thought I saw a post where the next patch may fix some of the lag and rubber banding in servers. I been in a few servers where the rubber banding was unreal. Anyway should we give them the benefit of the doubt? I guess they could be running to many games on one server.
  14. Dustbuster

    How to Fix TS when Push to talk doesn't work while in game

    This problem is fairly easy to solve. Just run TS as Admin. Right click TS short cut- Select Properties- Select compatibility- Then check the Run as Admin box. This should take care this particular problem. Maybe an admin would want to make this a sticky for being able to find this post easier...
  15. Dustbuster

    Can members see all the forums???

    I don't know if I can see all the forum's? Should I be able too?