BanZore Promotional Video - Under Production


Hello all, some of you in the community know me and some don't. Who cares right? Lol, anyways, I'm in the production of making a BanZore promotional video for the community. Now, this project is not just gonna be an individual project... I'd like the help of the community for it will be a long and grueling project to do but will be worth it in the end.

Hopefully before this weekends meeting, I will have a little teaser video made to give you a general gist of what I had in mind. Keep in mind that by asking for the communities support for this, I'd expect constructive criticism from anyone who provides content for this project... being that this is a community project.

So without further a do, here are the small needs I have for this project to be started:
  • Video clip's must be no longer than 5 minutes (if they're full game session video's, try to shorten them to 5 minutes please)
  • All video clips should be compressed into a .zip or .rar file and uploaded to dropbox and the link to said file in a reply to this topic please.
  • Would preferably like video clips of people getting great kill streaks (triple or quad kills), awesome kills (like a really nice bow shot or sniper shot, etc), funny kills (someone parachuting down and knifing someone as they land, etc), jet kills, heli kills, and tank kills.
  • Would like video clips from our other servers like Ark or Minecraft with generally the same requirements as stated above.
  • Suggestions for background music that are intense and would go good with collage game clips. My suggestion would be this song as an example of what I mean:
  • [P.S. skip to 0.50 seconds to get my gist]
If you have any questions, please contact me on the teamspeak when I'm online. Above all, thanks in advance to those that help out in this project. :)

Sincerely, MrRenzo
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Here are a few from me. Some are longer than 5 minutes, but I'm sure you can find some decent snippets in there.

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Hell ya we gotta get some wicked TV missile footage up in that clip. Anybody down to spectate and film? if nasty ass shots is what you want Seanguy262 and I would love to contribute. I just don't film shit because it lags me out if it's HD video. Fuck it I'll try it with Fraps those spec videos look like shit with all the glitches
Hell ya we gotta get some wicked TV missile footage up in that clip. Anybody down to spectate and film? if nasty ass shots is what you want Seanguy262 and I would love to contribute. I just don't film shit because it lags me out if it's HD video. Fuck it I'll try it with Fraps those spec videos look like shit with all the glitches

I appreciate it Vegetaa. If it would help, NVIDIA shadowplay is great for recording, especailly the feature were you can record the last 1 or 5 minutes of gameplay.