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Recent content by Gaul

  1. Gaul

    Why did everyone just get banned?

    Yup, just witnessed a KPM autoban wave on bZ 1. Guys? (edit: I was very much caught up in it, can't rejoin)
  2. Gaul

    Complaint Handled Complaint from Gaul about player MR_Sjolin and Luddekudde33

    Who are you reporting? MR_Sjolin and Luddekudde33 Date of incident Aug 25, 2021 Which server were you on? bZ9 Describe the incident I logged on, and based on last incident asked if there were any nazis again online, or I could play in peace. The above two players immediately replied...
  3. Gaul

    Racism rules and their enforcement

    Hey everyone! I've had some issues recently on the bZ9 server. Multiple users with well-known dog whistles in their names (i.e. "1488" and the like) kept using racial slurs, which is annoying and insulting, but nothing I didn't get (more or less) used to in over 20 years of gaming. I initiated...