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  1. Howiemandel01

    In regards to Howie

    lol No, i said........ Przzz get back in armor, outside of armor is where the real men hang out. Armor is the usually the name of gay clubs in the area. :D
  2. Howiemandel01

    Whatcha'll listening to?

    That song by dildo is really good !!
  3. Howiemandel01

    Very Good, Joseph_hpeseoJ!

    Lunch of Champions !
  4. Howiemandel01

    Very Good, Joseph_hpeseoJ!

    why you post sexy pics?
  5. Howiemandel01

    Ban Appeal - LeanTurkeyBurger

    Bring back Desert Combat.
  6. Howiemandel01

    In regards to Howie

    Kill 'Em All
  7. Howiemandel01

    In regards to Howie

    Because of the continuous problems I seem to bring, and the evil ness of my gameplay and the mean spirited, spirit(?) i bring I will now allow you, as a token of forgiveness, to see pictures of my taint and nut area. just PM me. If your an admin, ask about the bonus asshole pics that come in...
  8. Howiemandel01

    In regards to Howie

    ISomething about mary. Correct. Tell him what hes won Joe. Joe: Thats right Howie, as the winner of the daily trivia contest, tom, has won a 1 years subscription to Pronhub. !! Only the gay section of our wide library of films will be available however. Enjoy Your Year Mr. Brady !!
  9. Howiemandel01

    In regards to Howie

  10. Howiemandel01

    In regards to Howie

    Anyone See My Baseball? Points awarded to anyone naming what this is from. Be quick.
  11. Howiemandel01

    In regards to Howie

    You guys dont know Dick. Dick Jones from shipping and receiving.
  12. Howiemandel01

    In regards to Howie

    we all good. we all just need a new REAL BF Game. A good one....i mean lol.
  13. Howiemandel01

    In regards to Howie

    Bottom line. I could have killed riped way before the time I did. I waited. I waited till he was up far enough to be out of uncap then fired. I was wrong by a few in game feet, perhaps, but certainly close enough to be forgiven, not reported. Thats just my opinion, which i know is biased...
  14. Howiemandel01

    In regards to Howie

    I like what Barbosa said, The Code is more what you call guidelines, than actual rules. lol. Anyways, thanks to those who support me and the online FPS friendships we all share. Most know that while i say some crude things, 99% of the time it is done to bring humor and good times within the...
  15. Howiemandel01

    In regards to Howie

    Wanted to add: Your little buddy who was prone with lmg and bipod back way deep into uncap......let me ask you a question. Why didn't I kill him too, or at least toss some shots at him? Your painting me as someone who attacks uncap with disregard, seems odd I didnt dust that noob too. In the...
  16. Howiemandel01

    In regards to Howie

    Your talking inches.....here. Its laughable to be sure. But a couple of things. 1. So you'll just type out any bulllshit that makes you feel good about yourself? Look at the chat box you yourself posted, where i said. "I JUST DID". That was in regard to your comment of "Yes it was uncap, why...
  17. Howiemandel01

    Hello Banzore

    i try to play by the rules, so long as you dont catch me. there, corrected that for you.
  18. Howiemandel01

    Complaint Handled Complaint from Howiemandel01 about player LoveHurtsGuys

    Who are you reporting? LoveHurtsGuys Date of incident Mar 10, 2023 Which server were you on? BZ1 Describe the incident Forgot to add. AIMBOT as well., as flying around map. The typical bigger hack thats been around for a while. Going now if you care