I agree with CR8Z. I'm fairly outspoken on the issues when the subject rears it's ugly head IRL, but we're here for a very different purpose. Politics divide, no matter how tight nit the group is. Lets just drink beer and play video games together.
It helped that they were practically giving them away. It's amazing to think that I spent over $100 for the premium just a couple years ago, and now it's $4.79.
I use the remote for GTAV and Mass Effect (all). Remotes seem to work best with third person shooters.
This is what I use for my flight sims. It's phenomenal.
There are MANY PC games that work best with a controller. BF4 isn't one of them, but I strongly suggest getting one for other games.
This is the one I use. I like it a lot.
Thanks for the post. I'm sure you've gathered that we have expectations for recruits, but we're forgiving enough to let you give some head for another chance. It's better if you let your girlfriend give the head, but a mouth is a mouth.