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  1. M

    Complaint Handled Complaint from Mouthwshh about player IhadSex

    Who are you reporting? IhadSex Date of incident Oct 12, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident IhadSex and LPOTATOS were abusing an invisible glitch last night, @Madman0529 already filed a report (linked below)...
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from Mouthwshh about player drfartnoises

    Who are you reporting? drfartnoises Date of incident Sep 13, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident Player was shooting/rocketing into our spawn for most of the game.
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    Complaint Handled Ban Appeal: SnugglesFTW

    In-game Name SnugglesFTW Have you cheated before? No What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? This is an appeal on behalf of SnugglesFTW. A lot of players have been noticing the inconsistency in bans/punishments. Snuggles was banned for chat filter baiting; which in and of...
  4. M

    Complaint Handled Complaint from Mouthwshh about player NickTheAce99090

    Who are you reporting? NickTheAce99090 Date of incident May 14, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident Player was TKing/griefing.
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from Mouthwshh about player NickTheAce99090

    Who are you reporting? NickTheAce99090 Date of incident May 13, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident This is my second incident with this player in like a week. First, he was killing us in uncap, now he's griefing our attack heli.
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from Mouthwshh about player SovietBagutte/InertiaDriven/LilNapolean

    Who are you reporting? SovietBagutte/InertiaDriven/LilNapolean Date of incident May 9, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident All 3 players were attacking uncapped unprovoked. This is during a time of day when the server player count is already low, and these morons...
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from Mouthwshh about player NickTheAce99090

    Who are you reporting? NickTheAce99090 Date of incident May 6, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident The player continuously spawn rapes, finally got it on video.
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from Mouthwshh about player SunTayHo

    Who are you reporting? SunTayHo Date of incident Mar 9, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident Player is using an LAV speed/multihack. First, the 25mm HE does 8-10 damage to the attack heli; and you only have 12 rounds. This means you...
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from Mouthwshh about player lIlHORNETAOlIl & maykellSNP

    Who are you reporting? lIlHORNETAOlIl & maykellSNP Date of incident Mar 9, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident Both players were actively griefing friendly vehicles. They did this several times.
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from Mouthwshh about player All-is-Well

    Who are you reporting? All-is-Well Date of incident Feb 24, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident All-is-Well has been running around the server for a week, using some kind of hack/cheat on his LAV that allows him to use Zunis and TOW. If you pay attention in the...
  11. M

    Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: JohnnyQuest515

    In-game Name JohnnyQuest515 Have you cheated before? No What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? This is an appeal on behalf of JohnnyQuest515 Why should we lift your ban? Johnny was banned for racebaiting. He's been banned for 2 1/2 months, and had his original appeal...
  12. M

    Complaint Handled Complaint from Listerine about player BaronVonKarza

    Who are you reporting? BaronVonKarza Date of incident Jan 18, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident This player has been a consistently toxic and racist player. From what I've witnessed, he's already been in trouble numerous times with the automatic filter. He's...
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from Listerine about player P_static_2

    Who are you reporting? P_static_2 Date of incident Jan 18, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident P_static_2 was racebaiting, asking the question "what's a ritz" in order to provoke a player into getting punished by the filter.
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from Listerine about player Stirumm

    Who are you reporting? Stirumm Date of incident Jan 18, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident Stirumm has been racebaiting (trying to get people in trouble with the chat filter, by making them say the word "cracker") for a while now. One of our good friends...
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from Listerine about player livan_321

    Who are you reporting? livan_321 Date of incident Jan 7, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident Player repeatedly spawn killed our chopper before it even left the ground, rule2.
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from Listerine about player medoelhaj21

    Who are you reporting? medoelhaj21 Date of incident Jan 7, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident Player stole my tank when I exited to repair, rule1.
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from Listerine about player ass12ass323in

    Who are you reporting? ass12ass323in Date of incident Jan 7, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident Player wouldn't fly the heli out of the spawn, proceeded to grief the heli when I wouldn't exit, rule1.
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    Complaint Handled Complaint from Listerine about player 99skhrtks99

    Who are you reporting? 99skhrtks99 Date of incident Jan 7, 2022 Which server were you on? BZ11 Describe the incident Player stole my heli after landing to repair, rule1.