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  1. Skittles

    I approve of this twerk

  2. Skittles

    Why I've been gone for a while

    It's Heroes and Generals. 
  3. Skittles

    Why I've been gone for a while If you watch the video, you can see why. That, and socializing isn't exactly my forte.  I'll be popping back in to spam noob tubes and 7.62 spray some time, though.
  4. Skittles


    Fucking righteous, all of you.
  5. Skittles


    What are you doing for Freedom Day? I just got 500 rounds of 7.62 and am going to shoot targets until there are so many bullet holes it'll be like paper spiderwebs. I'm going to fire off so many rounds that I'll wear the berm down and end up shooting Farmer Joe that set up his barn right behind...
  6. Skittles


    How is embedded video made? How website get praegnant? 
  7. Skittles


    Hawx edited the post to embed the video... I had the process explicitly explained to me and I still don't know. For shame. But yeah, fuck that dude. 
  8. Skittles

  9. Skittles

    ok, I want one...

    This technology is taking the Spying On Your Hot Neighbor game to a whole 'nother level.
  10. Skittles

    New Game, F2P. Check it out! I'm hooked!
  11. Skittles

    Topic Title I don't know how to embed video.
  12. Skittles

    Topic Title

    It's the Painbow when I'm in charge.
  13. Skittles

    Last one to post...WINS!

    So... Peanuts? Pistachios? Walnuts? Coconuts? 
  14. Skittles

    Why God never got a PhD

    I am Lieutenant Buzzkill, reporting for doody.
  15. Skittles

    About the American Sniper

    That would be nice, but the US military is a volunteer force.  But then again, if you piled up all the hippies into C130s and dumped them into a war zone, there'd be nobody left to complain about dumping hippies into a war zone. I think you might be on to something.
  16. Skittles

    This day in history 03/11

    "Married by proxy" That's just fucked up.
  17. Skittles

    Topic Title

    Hooray!  I'm glad to be shooting you guys in the face.
  18. Skittles

    Licking Pussy

    What kind of mass-manufactured pussy are you eating? For girls, the number of licks varies from person to person, but if you're talking about the sex doll you've got in your closet, I'm sure the manufacturer's website can provide you with that information.
  19. Skittles

    About the American Sniper

    And then you've got the hippies that responded to that movie with unfounded criticism, saying that it "promotes violence" and "shows that Americans want to kill innocent children."  I wish there was some way to remove heads from asses. The film imbued me with pride for my country, but the...