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Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: hoako181

In-game Name hoako181

What game were you banned from? market pearl

Date of ban Sep 30, 2016

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I do not know almost nothing not much English word "uncab" I just wanted to destroy an enemy with mortar and then I got ban by ___ ----- bz-princess wanted to continue on your server .. thanks

I really costs the English .. I'm Mexican in my area almost no English is spoken and therefore this will tradusco online

Why should we lift your ban? and I understood that the rule not be in the red zone with mortar just me I explain a person in the game and I really like your server thanks

if not too much to ask no complaints from anyone just I was that I did not know what to uncabing


You're Never Right!
I have issued numerous warnings to you about mortaring and UCAVing from uncap and you just keep doing it. Hoako, uncap is main spawn that the enemy cannot go into, any of the area that is a no-go zone for the enemy is considered you uncap area. You need to be inside the game arena both you and your soldier when mortaring, using UCAV, and RAWR. I would have thought that after the first 2-3 times you were admin punished that you would have gotten the hint about doing it and I have even sent you the rules in-game.

He emitido numerosas advertencias a aproximadamente mortaring y UCAVing de destape y que acaba de seguir haciéndolo. Hoako, uncap es desove principal de que el enemigo no puede entrar en cualquiera de la zona que es una zona de exclusión para el enemigo que se considera zona de destape. Es necesario estar dentro de la arena de juego que tanto usted como su soldado cuando mortaring, utilizando UCAV, y RAWR. Yo habría pensado que después de los primeros 2-3 veces estabas ADMIN castigado que habría recibido la sugerencia de hacerlo y yo incluso le ha enviado las reglas del juego.


Staff member
Senior Admin
-bZ- Member
You've been warned by more unique admins for this than probably any other person ever banned. You just didn't get the hint. Yiu never said a word, you just kept doing it.