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Ban Appeal: PlanetXeon

In-game Name PlanetXeon

What game were you banned from? Banzore Servers

Date of ban Thursday

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I was being TK'ed and the person doing this was never kicked. I lost my cool and started teamkilling back.

Why should we lift your ban? Teamkilling is not okay no matter what the circumstances are. Going forward I will follow the rules and not cause any further trouble on the Banzore servers.

Thank You.


You're Never Right!
I have warned you before about TKing in our servers, why should I believe you now?!
I have warned you before about TKing in our servers, why should I believe you now?!

Honestly, I understand where you are coming from.

I loose my cool when I get tk'ed so much by other teammates. Specifically some players are out there tk'ing other teammates including myself just for fun. I can barely play the game when that happens. That has happened several times when I have played.

Why should you believe me know?

It is clear that my actions have been disruptive to other players. That is not something I am going to continue going forward. Especially, Banzore seems to have the best servers for BF4. If I get repeatedly tk'ed in the future, I am going to use the proper means of reporting instead of tk'ing back. No more intentional tk'ing. Going to follow the Banzore rules as they are stated.