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Appeal Approved Ban Appeal: Tubbymuffin224

In-game Name Tubbymuffin224

What game were you banned from? BF4

Date of ban Jun 2, 2017

Have you cheated before? No

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I was playing really well, having fun too. 60 kills and 30 deaths. I guess I got too lucky spamming smokes or something.

Why should we lift your ban? Quoted from the ban logs:
"random headshots through smoke and around corners, knew were people were at all times."

Quoted from your server rules page:
"We use multiple methods to confirm hacking and do not ban based on suspicion."

These two statements are very contradictory.

No form of anti-cheat program is mentioned or made use of, despite your rules requiring "multiple methods to confirm cheats"

"random headshots through smoke" random headshots are random, your words not mine.

"knew where people were at all times" Honestly, this just plainly isn't true. If I knew where people were at all times, that would be cheating, which gets detected by PunkBuster or whatever else you guys use.
The only other explanation I have for that is many hours on CS:GO, which if you aren't familiar with the game, heavily relies on situational awareness.

Your server is the only thing that keeps me coming back to BF4. I wouldn't have a reason to keep playing the game and you would loose a dedicated player.

Sorry for the rant, I just want to get back to playing.



-bZ- Member
this was the decision of mine and another admin (named in ban log) maybe i should've been more clear in the ban log that's on me but you being a "lower" rank with only 100 hrs in the game with suspicious stats on here: https://i-stats.net/index.php?action=pcheck&player=Tubbymuffin224&game=BF_4
and also here: http://www.247fairplay.com/CheatDetector/Tubbymuffin224 it led us to believe that you were using a form of cheats. immediately what we noticed with you was as soon as you aimed down sights whether an enemy was visible or not there was actually someone there. in our eyes that is cheating. unfortunately i did not get a saved recording of this behavior but another admin will look into this for you. thanks.

side note: there are many forms of cheating that do not get caught by punkbuster or bf4db which is why admins are necessary.
Just because I'm a lowly rank 78 doesn't mean I have to be cheating when I play a good game. I'm not really sure how a 1.4 K:D ratio means cheats either.
I have more proof of me not cheating than you have of me cheating... Give me some time to poke around my hard drives and I'll be back.


We are having a meeting tonight over several issues. I will make sure your case is mentioned. Please give us additional time to review it all. Thanks.