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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Appeal Denied Ban Appeal: xXJABAHXx

In-game Name xXJABAHXx

Have you cheated before? Never

What's your side of the story as to why you were banned? I've accidentally killed my teammate 3 times. He passed in front of me while I was laying down shooting at a door. The last time I think he did it on purpose.

Why should we lift your ban? The game was very hard and all of my teammates were camping looking at the doors. I learned to hold my fire and watch out for my teammates. I didn't mean to kill my teammate


Power Tripper 9000
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
You shot the same person a few times, You sniped him at the start of the round, a few more later, I go to spectate you.

While I'm spectating you are running through your spawn area hunting for the player you sniped at the beginning. Running towards all of your teammates, aiming to check the name and you run away when it's not the teammate you want.

You deliberately went out of your way to ruin the experience of a single person.

Appeal denied.
Which game was that? I do not I recognize that type of game. I'm a player who does his best not to create problems, I can even try to annoy some other player, but not to kill and chase him. This is not my kind of gaming. Can i try to prove that this game was played by my brother? I can't name one time i was banned for such a youth behavior