Banned from teamspeak and bf1

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I was playing with you guys yesterday morning and then tried to get back on last night and found out that I am banned from everything. Says it's detrimental to the server for me to play there. What does that mean?
I was also banned. After being attacked in TS and called various insults ( stupid idiot, faggot) and told that the game is made for teamwork and not individual play; was told (by head admin) was banned for playing as team with my friends. stated reason say's conduct detrimental to server, yet server always has queue's during times I play. Hypocritical, cherry picking, non sense from admins and is supposed to be against the terms of service. Typical, and they call us bullies..
tending to cause harm.
"releasing the documents would be detrimental to national security"
synonyms: harmful, damaging, injurious, hurtful, inimical, deleterious, destructive, ruinous, disastrous, bad, malign, adverse, undesirable, unfavorable, unfortunate
where do i start? i've never really had issues with either you or jellin that is until uzi and mazda showed up. when you guys are together you tend to be complete assholes (not only to just me either) whether its talking down to ppl in chat or raping the hell out of our server and then laughing in our faces when we ask you nicely to stop ..actually not even stop or seperate yourselves just don't KILL the server by all capping. this has gone on for months. nothing changed.
where do i start? i've never really had issues with either you or jellin that is until uzi and mazda showed up. when you guys are together you tend to be complete assholes (not only to just me either) whether its talking down to ppl in chat or raping the hell out of our server and then laughing in our faces when we ask you nicely to stop ..actually not even stop or seperate yourselves just don't KILL the server by all capping. this has gone on for months. nothing changed.
I've never seen the server die while I have been playing in it. Also I have chat turned off so I find it hard to believe that I'm laughing in anyone's face. I never type anything. I've switched team on several occasions. But when my friends join up I play with them as anyone does. I play the objective on any team I play on and I play to win.
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before saying anything about acting out- please note that I receive more hateful comments and get tked on purpose more or as much as anyone. I rarely respond in chat. I will only call out one bz member here, and thats solid blaze. i have entered teamspeak when he was mid sentence talking shit about me. he has done it in front of admins. he has tked me on purpose, in front of admins. he continued to threaten us with bans for teamwork; i never responded. Like i said before, its standard hypocritical no logic admin sense, banning the few people that try to play the game the correct way.
Unlike most bans that have been issued from this server, these bans were issued because we're better than the average player(s) that play on this server which makes these bans unwarranted. Not one single time was i warned by an admin about my chat messages or the way i was playing, As far as game play goes, there is a reason for squads in the game. It's to work together as a unit to accomplish a goal and that's to kill as many opposition as possible and to ultimately win the round. Here, for whatever reason, you're punished for playing the game the was it was intended. Just because a team is stuck in their uncap doesn't mean you should stop dominating. I've been stuck in our uncap plenty of times , which sucks, but never did i expect the other team to "lay off".
After being attacked in TS and called various insults ( stupid idiot, faggot)

Who said this?

I will only call out one bz member here, and thats solid blaze. i have entered teamspeak when he was mid sentence talking shit about me. he has done it in front of admins. he has tked me on purpose, in front of admins. he continued to threaten us with bans for teamwork; i never responded.

If you have any evidence of this, please share it. If admins are not acting responsible, they can be handled. However, we will not witch hunt our own admins based on your claims.

I stand by the other admins and their decision to remove you lot from BF1. When it comes down to it, the overall health of the server is of utmost importance to us and the regulars on BF1 do not believe that your group actively contributes to a healthy status. We have had many complaints from public players, members, and outside individuals about the general amount of "fun" that they are having whilst playing on our servers. In general, we receive good messages and compliments on the overall way we run our servers. However, many of the complaints and negative comments come in direct response to how your group plays on the server or what you do to other players.

We're focused on the health of the servers in the long term and for the greatest amount of enjoyment for the maximum amount of players and acted in accordance to what we believed would allow for those two things to happen. Your groups style of gameplay does not promote the greatest atmosphere for other public players, and as such you were removed in an effort to provide a good environment for as many players as possible.
So all you have to do now is complain about people to get them banned? If someone is better than you complain enough and they will get banned? That is what you are saying. Because the server always had a que when we were playing in it.

So our enjoyment doesn't matter only the people who complain. Those complaining also don't play the objectives like they should. I guarantee that you have been suppprted/helped by the players you have banned more than by the ones who complain.
So all you have to do now is complain about people to get them banned? If someone is better than you complain enough and they will get banned? That is what you are saying.

We did not ban you for your skill at the game, nor did we ban you simply on the fact that people complain. We banned you based on the observation that you create a less than pleasant game experience for the majority of players on the opposing team. We'd rather a scenario where 58 people are enjoying the game than a full server with only 32 having any increment of fun given your groups' actions against the other team.
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"We banned you based on the observation that you create and less than pleasant game experience"

So by playing the objectives and playing as a squad the way the game is designed and intended to by played is why I am banmed?
Based on complaints and reports from others, your group was banned due to a negative atmosphere you create whilst playing the game the way it is intended to be played. It is not what you did, but how you did it.
I'll add a note to the above. When you guys initially stood this server up we were some of the first players to seed it. I'm not saying the server wouldn't be any less populated today but we surely helped the "health" of the server when it mattered.
Based on complaints and reports from others, your group was banned due to a negative atmosphere you create whilst playing the game the way it is intended to be played. It is not what you did, but how you did it.

Can you please explain how we played the game any other way then intended?
We do appreciate your contributions to helping seed the server, but it was often observed that members of your group would actively prevent further seeding by base "raping" the other team.

Can you please explain how we played the game any other way then intended?

Will you please re-read my post, where I directly stated that "your group was banned due to a negative atmosphere you create whilst playing the game the way it is intended to be played."
It would appear that the ones complaining are creating the atmosphere that is negative. We are simply there to play and enjoy. I find it odd when banzore members play with us there is never a complaint. We can be destroying the other team and no one says a word. Only when they are on the opposing team.
Who said this?

If you have any evidence of this, please share it. If admins are not acting responsible, they can be handled. However, we will not witch hunt our own admins based on your claims.

I stand by the other admins and their decision to remove you lot from BF1. When it comes down to it, the overall health of the server is of utmost importance to us and the regulars on BF1 do not believe that your group actively contributes to a healthy status. We have had many complaints from public players, members, and outside individuals about the general amount of "fun" that they are having whilst playing on our servers. In general, we receive good messages and compliments on the overall way we run our servers. However, many of the complaints and negative comments come in direct response to how your group plays on the server or what you do to other players.

We're focused on the health of the servers in the long term and for the greatest amount of enjoyment for the maximum amount of players and acted in accordance to what we believed would allow for those two things to happen. Your groups style of gameplay does not promote the greatest atmosphere for other public players, and as such you were removed in an effort to provide a good environment for as many players as possible.
Who said this?

If you have any evidence of this, please share it. If admins are not acting responsible, they can be handled. However, we will not witch hunt our own admins based on your claims.

I stand by the other admins and their decision to remove you lot from BF1. When it comes down to it, the overall health of the server is of utmost importance to us and the regulars on BF1 do not believe that your group actively contributes to a healthy status. We have had many complaints from public players, members, and outside individuals about the general amount of "fun" that they are having whilst playing on our servers. In general, we receive good messages and compliments on the overall way we run our servers. However, many of the complaints and negative comments come in direct response to how your group plays on the server or what you do to other players.

We're focused on the health of the servers in the long term and for the greatest amount of enjoyment for the maximum amount of players and acted in accordance to what we believed would allow for those two things to happen. Your groups style of gameplay does not promote the greatest atmosphere for other public players, and as such you were removed in an effort to provide a good environment for as many players as possible.

theres a reason why none of us were hanging out inthe bZ teamspeak. It wasnt friendly towards us. It all culminated with an outburst I recieved from Jackson (which he apologized for - was from booze pills), but started mainly with solid blaze constantly being a jerk. then it started in game, i will get you ingame clips or footage of his behavior. then just the other day me and greedy went in TS and were called faggots upon entering (obvisouly we didnt stay long, who would)- which then jackson had to tell him to cool down. like i said, hypocritical bullshit. the witch hunt has finally been completed
Well for their sake I hope this stops with us and they do not get banned. Because you will destroy the thing you are trying to create by banning people due to complaints. There are always going to be squads who group up and play together and do well. It's been this way since counterstrike. The ones your siding with this time will only play this game for a little while longer. While the people you are banning would most likely be around for the games length.
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