BANZORE 2013 Partee!!!!

Will you be attending?

  • OH YEAH!!! <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-)

    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • Maybe.... <!-- s:-| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":-|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • No.... <!-- s:-( --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":-(" title="Sad" /><!-- s:-( -->

    Votes: 6 35.3%

  • Total voters
EmergencyNrse said:
You LIVE here... why is that a problem????It's a weekend. No business hours. Are you taking kids to Soccer? Baseball? the Zoo?

Get in the car. Face East. And drive like 3 hrs??? IT'S THE WEEKEND!

Get outta town for a change...

The only way it would be any easier for you is if I set up a tent in your back yard.... Ya pussy
Yosemite is 8 hours away, which is a 16 hour round trip, which is about 1 whole day of driving. California is a big-ass state ya'll.

I'm self-employed, which means I work EVERYDAY, including weekends and holidays, even when I was at Cuba's.

Also, east would get me to Arizona, (still about an 8 hour drive, still a big-ass state). I would need to drive north to get to the Sierras.

I would FUCKING LOVE to get outta' town for a change. Fucking believe me. But it takes just short of an act of congress for me to set everything up, and as you know, congress takes more than a week to put shit together.

While my backyard might be cool to set my tent up in, I would rather drive the 15 minutes to the beach and set up camp there.

While I'm at it, is your peanut boiler still over at Cuba's? Don't you only live an hour away from there?!?! Who's calling out who mother fucker?!?!?

And, I love that gif, sling.
Nurse and I had lunch the day before he left for California. We live in the same state.

I also returned his boiler and knife.
I think that kid is poopin' there!

It's all good. I'd like to get away, but I don't think I can justify it at this point. Perhaps I should have just said that.

That said, 16 hours in the car is not just down the street. That's a lot of driving solo for an afternoon at a hotel in the woods.
CR8Z said:
I think that kid is poopin' there!It's all good. I'd like to get away, but I don't think I can justify it at this point. Perhaps I should have just said that.

That said, 16 hours in the car is not just down the street. That's a lot of driving solo for an afternoon at a hotel in the woods.
YOU'RE the one who loves CALIFORNIA!

good with the bad buddy... get in the god damn car.
I already have a Scooby Van, a Glock, and a 1014...

Flashlight, road flares, and Chemlights. Food, sodas to include a Mountain Dew!

Don't have a map but I do have GPS.

Dude, I can get to Yosemite from San Diego, Redding or even Vegas in less than 6-hrs.

Are you riding your bicycle? Taking Greyhound? Embellish much? lmfao

Aaaah, geeze you get bent easy. If you're gonna be pissy just stay home.

Let us Big Dogs run. You'll be just fine on the porch. I was just offering

you a chance to come along.
6 hours 17 minutes with no traffic, per the google. But I used to live up there (Santa Cruz) and drive down here all the time, and it usually took me 8 hours. I can make it to Vegas in about 4 hours from here. San Diego is about 60 minutes south of me, but usually takes about 1.5 hours with traffic.

I do work weekends, and taking time off just means that work piles up. And just a fuck ton of stress lately, so I apologize for giving you shit for inviting me in on the fun.

Visalia is only 3 hours away. I used to commute 3 hours each way 5 days a week for 2 years, so that shouldn't be too bad. I'll talk to the wife.
Cuba said:
i love it when a plan comes together
That makes 3. What about all you other west-coast peeps? You've been pretty quiet.

Someone lived in Stockton/Modesto. I thought there was at least another bZ dude in

the bay area. A couple in LA. Who was in Vegas? Bring your ass over too ...

it's going to be off the chain.

(You can get a flight on Southwest to LAX, Ontario, SF or even San Jose for little to NO money)

I got the green light from work and the wife.

Let's talk about this tonight if we could.
YoshiBishi said:
Damn, why can't you guys come to NC Beaches or something :P ?

this is only an impromptu thing that came about because I came back out on contract to Cali. This is NOT the 2013 "bZ get together". I had been talking with Pincone since before I drove back out here and we were just going to get together again. We decided to go out to the mountains and hike/bike, maybe drink a few beers. That's it.

I know there are a couple more bZ-ers out here on the left-coast and I gave everyone an open invitation to come if they wanted to come. It is only for the weekend. Pretty short & sweet. No one should be put out any. If it's too expensivve or inconvenient then just don't come. That's fine. There should be another bZ get together/LAN party later in the year (If someone can put it together).

Bigwill, I would LOVE to meet you but I hope you're not going to spend a ton of cash to come down for just 2 days. You're more than welcome to come but I think it will be an expensive trip.