Banzore - BF4 - Leaderboard (Combined Stats) :P

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Watching Superman_Prime_1 drive the tank puts me to sleep better than any bedtime story tbh.
he does nothing but wait around the objective for the infantry to spawn not capturing the objective unless he sees his teammates take it then he's gonna leach for the points ive seen enough man trust me


  • superman prime-1027963612.jpg
    superman prime-1027963612.jpg
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Bruh lets all just move on from this toxic BS and enjoy the game thats going to die out in a few months once bf6 comes around

there's like 100-200 regulars and yall keep fighting too much, lets all be friends and make this easier for ourselves can't we?
Wasn't even talking to you but you still can't help yourself. Can't even take the fucking hint that no one gives a shit about your autistic dribble lmao.

You're a complete fucking joke. That's not a comeback, it's just the truth. You're the definition of a waste of oxygen. A failure in-game, and a failure in life.
So the laughing emoji and lame comback it is... you bite again. ;)
Also what a poor choice of words: bro keeps saying no one gives a shit what I say (then he spends all day being my personal bitch) bravo genius! nobody will notice the irony...
So you want the truth ? you wanna keep it real? You are actually very SLOW and SPECIAL individual in real life, a sad delusional woke who believes has a sharp tounge but actually has a hard time doing basic "thinking process", A kid with no skills at the game that makes him cry like a South Park PC baby, then gets EMOTIONALLY DAMAGED when he gets obliterated by much better players like myself and runs out to the forums to seek for catharsis. You're a a German joke, bad with no punchline; You have posted waaay to much and said too little, yet here you are exited to drain more of that Przz milk cuz your an attention seeker whore and he just pet you and said attaboy for being the only sad dog on his side... nobody gives a fuck about you, only Przz cuz he's using you moron.

I had my fun with ya, but you bore me now... so sit and be a good dog, or post your fish, rip your dick off... Don't care.
So the laughing emoji and lame comback it is... you bite again. ;)
Also what a poor choice of words: bro keeps saying no one gives a shit what I say (then he spends all day being my personal bitch) bravo genius! nobody will notice the irony...
So you want the truth ? you wanna keep it real? You are actually very SLOW and SPECIAL individual in real life, a sad delusional woke who believes has a sharp tounge but actually has a hard time doing basic "thinking process", A kid with no skills at the game that makes him cry like a South Park PC baby, then gets EMOTIONALLY DAMAGED when he gets obliterated by much better players like myself and runs out to the forums to seek for catharsis. You're a a German joke, bad with no punchline; You have posted waaay to much and said too little, yet here you are exited to drain more of that Przz milk cuz your an attention seeker whore and he just pet you and said attaboy for being the only sad dog on his side... nobody gives a fuck about you, only Przz cuz he's using you moron.

I had my fun with ya, but you bore me now... so sit and be a good dog, or post your fish, rip your dick off... Don't care.
TL;DR, more autistic dribble full of grammatical and spelling errors.

Not even going to waste a second reading of any of that nonsense lmao. You're in your 30s, yet type like you're 12, whining like a little bitch after getting called out for team stacking. I'll say it again... you're a complete fucking joke, a waste of oxygen, and a failure both in and out of the game.

Don't care.

Oh but you do, you really fucking do lmao. That's why even after I ignored you, you still came crawling back for more like some masochistic cockroach.

Here's fishy one last time, because once again, you've been...

download (1).jpg


You're gonna reply again, I just fucking know it lmao. Go on, prove me right. You literally can't help yourself, because you're not in control. I make you reply every single time and you can't stop yourself. So go on, post some more autistic shit that looks like a teenage girl wrote it.
So the laughing emoji and lame comback it is... you bite again. ;)
Also what a poor choice of words: bro keeps saying no one gives a shit what I say (then he spends all day being my personal bitch) bravo genius! nobody will notice the irony...
So you want the truth ? you wanna keep it real? You are actually very SLOW and SPECIAL individual in real life, a sad delusional woke who believes has a sharp tounge but actually has a hard time doing basic "thinking process", A kid with no skills at the game that makes him cry like a South Park PC baby, then gets EMOTIONALLY DAMAGED when he gets obliterated by much better players like myself and runs out to the forums to seek for catharsis. You're a a German joke, bad with no punchline; You have posted waaay to much and said too little, yet here you are exited to drain more of that Przz milk cuz your an attention seeker whore and he just pet you and said attaboy for being the only sad dog on his side... nobody gives a fuck about you, only Przz cuz he's using you moron.

I had my fun with ya, but you bore me now... so sit and be a good dog, or post your fish, rip your dick off... Don't care.
GRRRR... MUTHERFUCKER !!!!! can I get his IP adress or something trough that? mutherfucker stole my facebook account... I know who has facebook these days right?¡ Im old and have lots of pics there I dont want to lose. I would literally pay you Grouch if you have the skills to retaliate or recover my account.

He stole Steam (I got it back in 2 days). He stole EA games (I got it back 2 days). Stole my Facebook and changed my email and phone number contact info. I'm trying currently to contact meta trough various ways (deceased person, hacked, child pornography lol) but fkin facebook is a piece of shit company with zero support center.

LMAO. Of course you're some fucking autistic boomer who's too brain damaged to figure out how to use 2FA, and yet you have the gall to call us retarded? Something something pot calls the kettle black....

Go play basketball with your son or cook your wife a meal you degenerate.

Jesus fucking Christ. What a clown.
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i wanna also say to @lol-comic-lol that you might wanna recheck these stats you posted because they are wrong bro, not sure what you calculated here and how did you come up whit my KD numbers lol

you might also want put that scoreboard down all together its bs and undermines what banzore is
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