Banzore - BF4 - Leaderboard (Combined Stats) :P

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How is that going to put an end to anything? Unless you can promise to stop stacking the teams after the reset, you're not treating the disease, just the symptoms. Like both PrZZZ and I said earlier, if you want to play with 7 of your friends, put 4 on one team, and 3 on the other. Why is that so difficult?
they won't make it balanced by themselves because serloser is an insecure individual and wont like it to play against actual competition

many times i made this dude quit but never bother to call him out or anyone else for that matter because i got nothing to prove to anyone here

its up to the admis if they want that kind of behavior as serloser crew got bigger they need to be separated in half to make it fair for others, but hey its only my opinion
Przzz, I am still waiting for a response. Call Neo and have our stats reduced to 0
guys in today's episode serlose is gonna play ''the victim'' since you acquired these stats by farming level 50 and 80 players and stacking one side night after night on bz1.5 (which is a no farm server btw) they are worth zero in my book but hey in someone else book they might be worth the world

you would probably stop playing if neo did that

il give you your stats from bz1 since its not so easy to manipulate the outcomes by stacking wen its populated but your 1.5 are total horseshit and im being polite here
no dude its not a fact, i provided proofs to my claims while you provided nothing
I've been reading this and watching silently, but I have to say you have NOT provided proof.
You provided reports showing exactly what serlose stated: that he plays with friends, win or lose. And no, before you or lax try the whole "my opinion doesn't matter cause I do the same thing", I must point out that I play against the bats crew very frequently in my own group. They do not stack. You both are using a very loose definition of the word "stack" to make that claim. Reading your guy's comments is nothing but cringe, because it's obvious you are both either envious or mad because you can't farm noobs as much when the bats crew is in.
And yes, you switch to the winning team ALL the time. One of the last games I played with you was on Langcang dam and halfway through, you switched to my side, the winning side. I rarely ever see you not switch and I am always watching to see if you do.
It's whatever. Both of you will probably respond with a lame counter so I won't waste much time here. But, just to be clear, your accusation of Serlose and the others stacking is weak, as all of your reports show you ignoring that serlose loads in a game with friends, and playes with them. It's obvious you two love to jump to conclusions in favor of whatever points you're pushing.
I cant believe how much you get triggered by this portrait of you...
Here fishy fishy fishy here fishy
MORONIC woke crusader bites in 3, 2, 1...
they look farmer man is here to add his 2 cent you got nothing dude crawl back under the rock

you don't know me and got nothing on me if you want to provide evidence in your claims just like i did in this thread your welcome otherwise gtfo
they look farmer man is here to add his 2 cent you got nothing dude crawl back under the rock

you don't know me and got nothing on me if you want to provide evidence in your claims just like i did in this thread your welcome otherwise gtfo
Superman_Prime_1 is the BF4 equivalent of a tranny. He can't decide whether he wants to be a farmer or a team stacker. Either way, he doesn't pass very well as either lmao.
Superman_Prime_1 is the BF4 equivalent of a tranny. He can't decide whether he wants to be a farmer or a team stacker. Either way, he doesn't pass very well as either lmao.
he's the true definition of what a ''Farmer'' is i honestly cant find anyone else on top of my head who play like this dude lmao

you nailed it Lax he's in a ''crisis'' hard choices haha
finally you quit posting your fish... now stay quiet bitch. be a good Przz dog.
-Triggered woke crusader with a lame comeback and a fish pic / or a laughing emoji
in 3,2,1... -
Wasn't even talking to you but you still can't help yourself. Can't even take the fucking hint that no one gives a shit about your autistic dribble lmao.

You're a complete fucking joke. That's not a comeback, it's just the truth. You're the definition of a waste of oxygen. A failure in-game, and a failure in life.
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