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Beerus, you're an idiot

(Jump to 25:17)

And you should stay out of the enemy uncap.
You're actually retarded dude.

I hope you see now see why we need definitions in terms of "attack" and "uncap". (You won't see, you're an idiot).

Your bitch ass thinks driving a vehicle is attacking. Others understand attacking to be firing weapons or equipment.

The guy with the most "I'm smarter than you memes" doesnt understand the word "attack".

I hope you never go outside, there are a lot of cars out there.


-bZ- Member
To expand on that in a more informative way, the other side of that rock you see on the left as you spawn is not your uncap. So you technically shot him while he was still in the playing area of the map. Which would've made you fair game had he attacked/killed you. You can ignore that "RU" square in the road, that's not accurate of the uncap boundaries. That being said, you can enter the enemy uncap as long as you don't attack while unprovoked, as that's how we steal vehicles. Driving a car is not attacking uncap if no one was damaged by the vehicle.
For one thing, you were WELL outside of your uncap AND you're the one that attacked. Maybe you should know where uncap ends before you try to "throw shade".

Uncap is undefined. It's unfortunate that you think otherwise but that's the truth. Fact of the matter is you're both stupid. Neither of you understand.

To expand on that in a more informative way, the other side of that rock you see on the left as you spawn is not your uncap. So you technically shot him while he was still in the playing area of the map. Which would've made you fair game had he attacked/killed you. You can ignore that "RU" square in the road, that's not accurate of the uncap boundaries. That being said, you can enter the enemy uncap as long as you don't attack while unprovoked, as that's how we steal vehicles. Driving a car is not attacking uncap if no one was damaged by the vehicle.

Here we go again, more adminsplaining about what constitutes uncap. Definition of uncap, please.
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Uncap is undefined. It's unfortunate that you think otherwise but that's the truth. Fact of the matter is you're both stupid. Neither of you understand.

Not true. Attacking uncap may be an undefined grey area depending on the situation, but UNCAP itself certainly has a definitive border, of which I was referring to. This is a completely different situation and not equatable to Geuxfish's post or similar 'mining uncap' posts.