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BF 2042 is out!


The game is very hard on CPUs. My i9 9900K @5.0ghz OC does well, but the game is still a CPU hog and doesn't fully utilize my RTX 3080. Supposedly there are going to be 2 big patches coming soon. One this week and the 2nd I have no clue. But it's going to take more than patches to fix this game. Match making, lack of server persistence and the silly looking operators doesn't work for Battlefield.

EA had better support Portal because that is the only mode that matters.


Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
I played the beta and thought it was okay. A little clunky and not optimized, but is the first BF game that feels like BF since BF4.

I bought the game last night. Was able to get into a match with buddies and had a great time playing objectives as a squad. Much better, smoother and optimized than the beta.

I don't mind them trying new things. I.e., operators, no scoreboard, etc. I'm about the having fun with friends.

I haven't played portal yet, but intend to. Had fun in vehicles, infantry, cqb, etc. Want to play hardcore because shooting somebody 10 times to take them down kind of sucks.



We also want to give you the assurance that we’re carefully evaluating your desire to see legacy features return. End-of-match Scoreboard, Server Browser, and features like Voice Chat are big topics for us to cover all at once, and we have plenty we want to say around them. We’ll come back to you when we have things that we can show to you, including details about our long-term vision for certain features and functions.
For all of you playing on PCs, we want to acknowledge that many of you are finding that performance of the game is presently CPU bound, and not enough of you who are fortunate enough to enjoy high end GPUs and CPUs are seeing the benefit of consistent, high frame rates. Identifying engine level optimisations and developing solutions will require a lengthier response time from us so that it gets done right. Short term, we’ll be doing all we can to help offer performance improvements that reduce the load, and up your frame rates where possible. We’ll keep you updated on our work through our Battlefield channels.

A lot to post, but they have a list of whats coming in the next 2 patches.


-bZ- Member
Soooooooo I bought it. If I were playing alone, I don't think I'd have as much fun. A couple other bz2 folks got it, and I played with them. It's fun. It's fun in a way that bf1 and v just were not. It is a long way from working correctly. Loads of bugs and balancing problems, but at the core of it, is a fun game. Take what you will from that, but I enjoy it. I'll still come back to bf4 though.
Soooooooo I bought it. If I were playing alone, I don't think I'd have as much fun. A couple other bz2 folks got it, and I played with them. It's fun. It's fun in a way that bf1 and v just were not. It is a long way from working correctly. Loads of bugs and balancing problems, but at the core of it, is a fun game. Take what you will from that, but I enjoy it. I'll still come back to bf4 though.
Maybe I'll have to join you guys sometime. Still need to get another SSD though. I'll check see if there's any good black Friday deals.