BF 3 Server Maintenance

plaino said:
This mean more videocard driver updates or PB updates?
i don't think so, just a server side update and didn't look like it fixed any of the main stuff we have been having trouble with.
BF3 server version R7

Nov 01 2011 06:31:16 PM PT BF3 server version R7 has been released, and we are starting to roll it out to empty servers now.

The changelog from DICE for this version is:

* Fix for rubber banding

* TDM/SQDM spawn point fix

* 2 crash fixes in end of round

* Fix for connection problem when joining password protected servers

* Removed .vars.allUnlocksUnlocked. Once ranked server settings are enforced, this may come back in some form.

We've also been authorized to turn on the join queue and we are doing this with R7.

If you would like this version applied to your server before it it empties out, please try restarting your server, as this should empty it and trigger the update as long if it does not immediately re-fill. Or, if you have a managed VDS or managed dedicated machine, you can trigger a server repair through your "Managed panel" page to immediately apply the update.

As a side note, Battlelog has problems with how it determines which servers are displayed right now, that EA/DICE has acknowledged and is working to fix. In the meantime, if you have problems with your server not filling up, we recommend trying a different server name -- for some reason, certain names seem to get more traffic, randomly.
Re: Join queue

Nov 02 2011 01:12:54 PM PT The join queue causes server crashes and just plain doesn't work most of the time right now, so EA has instructed us to turn it off. Most servers now have this turned off, and others will have it off following the next restart.
I dont think they have a fucking clue whats going on :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
BF3 server version R8

Nov 05 2011 12:13:20 AM PT BF3 server version R8 (883971) has been released, and we are starting to roll it out to empty servers now. It includes these changes:

* Crashfixes

* RCON bugfixes; banList.add can now ban on player name

* Fixes for team & squad handling, both during and between rounds

Other RSPs initially reported anecdotally that R8 led to additional crashing behavior, leading us to hold off a bit on this update, but statistical analysis by DICE determined that this was not actually true.

If you would like this version applied to your server before it it empties out, please try restarting your server, as this should empty it and trigger the update as long if it does not immediately re-fill. Or, if you have a managed VDS or managed dedicated machine, you can trigger a server repair through your "Managed panel" page to immediately apply the update.
PBbans Update !!!!!

The Hub Server was hit with a 4.2GBit DDoS attack and has since been nulled routed by our host.

Nov 7, 2011


The attack is back (4.5Gbit this time). We've had to null route the IP again.

Nov 6, 2011


Standard practice with an attack of this size is a 24 hour null route. We will continue to monitor the situation and see if we can remove the null earlier.
On server crashes today !!!!

Many people have been having this problem today with BF3 servers, especially 64 slot servers, but we aren't completely sure why. EA did make some changes to the server listings today, maing it show 300 servers at a time but those top servers are now randomly displayed. It may be that other changes on the back end are causing server problems with Blaze.
Drunk Kremlin said:
good luck with that Cuba. I mean we are already on patch R8 or R9 and they still haven't figured nothing out. BF3 unfortunately was not ready for release and they pushed it out the door anyhow to appease stock holders and profit margins, which leaves us as a clan stuck holding a bill for a server in the amount of $106/mo. that we can't even enjoy or use due to EA's server stability and server search issues. We are paying for a service in which we are not receiving. IMO, this is entirely unacceptable we need to look into seeing what we might be able to do along the lines of getting some kind of kick-back or a free subscription for a month on the BF3 server. TECH TEAM ACTIVATE!!!!!
so it looks like its prolly a good thing i didnt run out and buy it (meanwhile that sucks)
We have a contract with NFO, not EA. NFO is not responsible for EA's shortcomings.

Meanwhile, the game is very good, although the servers are a bit of a pain.
We are playing on them though....

We played last night and pubbers out numbered the members.

Tell me what I'm missing here....
There are 22 people in the server right now. Mesm is the only member.

Is this fixed?

Sorry about the questions.