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BF1 HC BZ Server


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Aren’t hc servers in bf1 genuinely busted because of how powerful all the guns become? Isn’t everything like a 1-2 shot at most ranges? I’ve only played a bf1 hc server once years ago and that’s all I remember lol. Correct me if I’m wrong


-bZ- Member
BF1 was dead to me when I got one of the machine guns and the damned thing was more accurate and at a longer range than the sniper rifle. Yes, I made some nice points but it was so one-sided that it was boring.
Aren’t hc servers in bf1 genuinely busted because of how powerful all the guns become? Isn’t everything like a 1-2 shot at most ranges? I’ve only played a bf1 hc server once years ago and that’s all I remember lol. Correct me if I’m wrong
Maybe, it's been ages since I played it on HC. But there is also the option to just have custom settings, so I guess you could just turn off minimap, 3d spotting, etc.and keep gun damage the same if that was preferred.

Last I played there was a custom server that had 200% damage, but also dumb shit like unlimited mags (which also means unlimited grenades, so ridiculous nade spamming). The game deserves better servers, IMO. I've also been reading that BF4 might not be with us for too much longer, so looking at alternatives...
Aren’t hc servers in bf1 genuinely busted because of how powerful all the guns become? Isn’t everything like a 1-2 shot at most ranges? I’ve only played a bf1 hc server once years ago and that’s all I remember lol. Correct me if I’m wrong
Bro there is no hud… most players just kinda wonder around aimlessly and Tks happen often since you have to go by uniform…. To answer your question yeh the weapons are super strong. Only takes 1-3 shots from pretty much every firearm


40mm enthusiast
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
That’s what I remember haha.