BF4 ALL Maps Vote Map List


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Senior Admin
I would like on each specific map we have playing to have a set of vote maps that are for the next map based on the map we are in....

Lately I feel like the vote map has nothing but shit choices to vote for...

Let me know your thoughts...

- Thanks
Agreed as well however I'm pretty sure this type of map control is non-existent for bf4. I could be mistaken but I don't think so.
In prior fps games you could designate a certain map list if lets say the server population was below or above a certain number their by insuring a perfect map choice but that is not possible in bf4. Maybe neo could whip up some shit cause he's godly on the programming but other than that I think we Are fubar'd
Yeah unfortunately we don't have that level of control.

Ex, when server is low pop I wish we could not allow things like Oman.
I would suggest a list of maps we would "NOT" cycle in to rotation. Like sunken dragon, that seemed like a server killer. Other than those types I think we should ( on a schedule) cycle two maps per month into rotation to keep it "fresh" and stick to the whole "all maps" name tag. It worked before not sure why we deviated.
Is there any way to track the amount that certain maps get voted for? I.E. If a map is getting voted for like 80% of the time when it's in map vote, keep it. If it's pulling like 1% of all games, maybe look at removing it.
The map list posted on other thread are the top 8 maps from our server plus top water map and 2 small maps to round it off. Those are the core maps. The rest we cycled in. I'm pretty sure we left out certain others because of issues etc. I think i would be a good idea to look through those. Would make it easier and keep population up to.