BF4 -bZ-Emblem Contest!!!

Which -bZ- emblem do you like the best?

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Bald fat guy.
-bZ- Member
Christmas was a little crazy, and I may have been a little over optimistic on the amount of time I had.

I am not the most artistic/creative/sensitive guy in the world, but I know that some of you are! I am betting that one of you can create the next best -bZ- emblem in BF4, and I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is! I want to wear it!

We will be holding a contest for the best -bZ- emblem that we all can wear loud and proud! Kind of like a -bZ-tattoo. While all -bZ- members will be welcome and encouraged to wear the winning emblem, nobody will be required to.

Grand Prize: $50 gift card to your preferred online retailer.


* Open to BANZORE members only!
* Must be original work. Please provide link to your battlelog page
* Must include the tags "-bZ-"
* Work must be submitted by New Date - 3:00 AM by Sunday, December 29th!!!
* Please no nudity, profanity, racism, or "overly-sexual" pieces. We want to wear these and not have EA/DICE tell us to remove them. Please refer to the EA/DICE TOS for more info.
* Only 1 entry per person. You can submit and change your entry at any time before the deadline, but only one entry will be considered.
* Top 3 emblems will be selected by committee, and those 3 will be voted on by the club in a separate forum. Watch this original post for details.
* Winner will be announced on January 1, 2014

Please submit your entry and ask any questions in this thread.

Good luck, and have fun!

Here are the finalists so far.






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Awesome! Kind of reminds me of Ghostbusters!

You know, though, you can just copy and paste a link direct to your emblem and not have to use imgur.
New entry date posted in original post! You now have until 3AM on Dec. 29th!!!
Please submit your final entry in this thread by 3AM EST!!!

Sorry, the holidays got the better of me. We will select 3 entries for the entire club to vote on starting tomorrow. We will vote for 36 hours.
WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Congratulations Knightace! 


I am officially shutting this thread down as I think we've gotten all of the votes we are going to get.  

You can copy the emblem to your own if you would like by visiting here:

Knightace, PM and let me know what you would like me to do with your winnings.

Thanks to everybody for participating, and we'll see you in the next competition.

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