BZ#1 DLC's?

What DLC's do i need to play the server? I'm new and have not been able to successfully join the server, keeps saying I have been kicked by an admin, is it becuase my application hasn't been accepted yet or is it because i only have the legacy operations community operations and night operations dlc and not the ultimate shortcut dlc?
You need all the DLC's to play on this server.
I take it you bought the game on steam, you should check to see if it installed all of the DLC.
Could be Punkbuster needs updated. Go to and download the top one. Run it as admin, select add a game, battlefield 4. If it doesn't detect your bf4 install, then click browse where it says game path and locate where you installed bf4. If through steam, it would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Battlefield 4 or whatever drive letter you installed it. Add the bf4.exe and it should update punkbuster for bf4. Typically the "kicked by admin" msg is punkbuster needs updated.
no, not sure why, i don't have the ultimate shortcut dlc but that doesnt seem to add anything to the game asside from the other three free dlc's available on steam
Ive got no clue man, can you send a snippet of what you actually own? you aint banned so far as I can tell.
do I need to get that last DLC? also do I have to have an application acceptance to join the servers? I sent in an application with the idea that maybe I need a membership with banzore, I can't promise I will be as active as I feel I'm expected to be, all I want really is to play battlefield casually on the server
Have you tried joining the server through battlelog? They usually gives you a much more detailed kick message. If you only join through the ingame search engine, it will only say "kicked by admin" no matter why.
Have you tried joining the server through battlelog? They usually gives you a much more detailed kick message. If you only join through the ingame search engine, it will only say "kicked by admin" no matter why.
remind me what the battlelog is? im kinda an idiot and just barely started playing bf4