bZ club meeting 3/31 9pm eastern

Wait, we were gonna' talk about statuses...
StOyKi said:
COD hasn't been good since COD4. Plus I am not bad at it I just don't like the people that play it or the actual game it self. So I go in to troll. That is what I do in most games. I make people angry.
i'm not sure where the fact that we don't cheat at anything has been lost on you. We stream to PBBans, who will reject our streaming membership if we have a hacker on our roster (doesn't matter what game it's in nor does it matter that you only did it to "troll" others.) We game in gaming leagues who will revoke our wins if we have a hacker on our roster (even if you did it to make others angry.)

Not only did you admit to hacking, but you did so in public chat on our club server with public gamers present. You don't make me angry, but you do make me look like a fool and make our club look foolish. We take cheating very seriously.

What you do on your own as an individual, only you have to answer for. What you do under the Banzore tags reflects on all of us.