CHIEF_Warpath Recruit APP


-bZ- Member
1. Your In-game name: CHIEF_Warpath

2. YOUR AGE: 36

3. Location: Bay Area California

4. What games you play: Americas Army, COD4, COD World at War, COD Modern Warfare, and Battlefield Bad Company.

5. Are you currently banned from any servers? Never. I don't mind getting my ass whooped.

6. Describe your usual gameplay: (Rushing, Camping, Laidback, Sniper,) Laidback

7. What is the reason that you want to join -bZ- gaming club ? Finally found and active clan with adults instead of a bunch of high school kids.

8. PB_GUID: and/or STEAM ID: (If you do not know the PB_GUID, please ask one of us and we will be happy to give it to you) Not sure

9 .Prior Clan Experience: I started an Americas Army clan back in 2003 Called "SONAF" I got tired of running the clan and gave it to one of the clan members "DorkFish" Tried joining the clan again but it was dead. My son and I would play everyday in TS and no one would come. So My son and I have been playing alone for a long time now.

10. Prior League Experience: We used to compete in TWL in Americas Army but clan slowly died and no one was there for the matches.

11.Additional Information: I'm very laid back. I very animate on not cheating. Jut like playing games and its a lot funner playing with a hand full of guys and trying to use tactics.

12.Availability for play: Couple times a week in the evenings. Mostly play weekends. I work in a University, I'm a photographer and sometimes I have to shoot at night or on the weekends and process photos, Also train in MMA and taekwondo. We are a very active family. I won't be on every single day but I will try to be on as much as I can and represent -bz- I'm not a hothead and have good sportsmanship. :)
right on. ive herd alot about you war and welcome to fourms. in a couple minutes i will be private messaging you recruitment guidlines so we can get your process underway.

welcome again and good luck with your recruitment
thanks Jaxx, sorry I didn't fill out the form on Monday, some jerk deleted my account. ;) No but seriously, I knew I wouldn't be on much this week and thought it would be better to fill it out when I knew I would be on.
it's all good man, no need to explain yourself. You are a busy man, most of us here are busy people.

overall, glad to see ya post. did you get the pm
Question, if I add a -R to my name I have to create a whole new name and that starts me out at level 1 again? :( Would it be easier to just add it to the tag?

example: -bZ-R-Warpath

that way the recruit tag can be part of the clan tag so the recruit doesn't have to start over in his or her stats?
warpath, you have to excuess oobie. he was alil intoxicated tonight. he means nothing by it. he is normally a cool calm collective kindof guy who means well. it was great hanging out and gaming with you tonight. you see like a cool guy. hope to game with ya again soon!