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Complaint from Angry_Cuban13 about player RagingSniper01


Daddy McDick
In-game Name RagingSniper01

Date of incident Feb 28, 2017

What game were you playing? Battlefield 4

Which server were you on? Murder Inc Gaming 1

Describe the incident In-Game Name: RagingSniper01

Banned From Server: Server 1

Duration of the Ban: Permanent

Reason Given when Banned: Hacking/Cheating

Extra Details: Player got reported earlier, I couldn't find much on him. I hopped on this morning and he managed to go 65-18 on Siege of Shangai even though our team was getting spanked. I spectated him for less than 2 mins on Zavod and you can clearly see wallhacks/aimbot. (Give it a few hours before it is fully processed)



You're Never Right!
nice catch Angry, thanks for the information!


-bZ- Member
Good job neo. Plz put notes in Adkats on the ban referring to video lol. I was all wtf is this ban for lol.vid shows it for sure. Ty man