• Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from Clems about player LittIe-Jim-1983

Who are you reporting? LittIe-Jim-1983

Date of incident May 30, 2023

Which server were you on? BZ3

Describe the incident Note strange spelling of name above https://banzore.com/bf4-stats/index.php?p=player&sid=3&player=+LittIe-Jim-1983
ban evasion for Karmic
1 week old account
Who are you reporting? LittIe-Jim-1983

Date of incident May 30, 2023

Which server were you on? BZ3

Describe the incident Note strange spelling of name above https://banzore.com/bf4-stats/index.php?p=player&sid=3&player=+LittIe-Jim-1983
ban evasion for Karmic
1 week old account
He also has another account on your servers https://banzore.com/bf4-stats/index.php?p=player&sid=3&player=taylorgame2 playing on bz3 & bz4