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Complaint Handled Complaint from Clems about player outlawx3567 and plentness

Who are you reporting? outlawx3567 and plentness

Date of incident Nov 27, 2020

Which server were you on? BZ #7 Hardcore Rush

Describe the incident outlawx3567 and plentyness spawned in and started griefing which lead to outlawx3567 shooting me TK

I don't understand what even happened here. What were they doing that led up to the TK?
there were running around and standing in front of ucav tubes thinking the were blocking them and shooting wildly at the empty tube. I just joined the server, so I don't see how I could have done anything to make this guy mad.
Lol Clems, can you send a video thats longer than 10 seconds? Id like to have a more full picture.
Don't know why I missed that I didn't close this one. They were punished. Thanks for the extended video.