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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from CriscoCube about player GoGoGadgetJimbo

Who are you reporting? GoGoGadgetJimbo

Date of incident Nov 16, 2020

Which server were you on? 7

Describe the incident Intentional c4 double teamkill friendly tank saying "play the objective" (literally just got a new set of objectives and was clearing bridge. Had stopped recording because server was DDoSed just a bit ago so no video sadly. Someone else reporrted them also though.


Power Tripper 9000
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Dropped a punish on him, thanks for the screenshot!
And the dudes back at it again. Some random asshole switched from gunner to driver and stole tank when I jumped out to repair (tons of toxic chat about how its bad/cheap to repair your tanks the whole evening) so I shot a rocket at the tank and it randomly/accidently hit an infantry dude that ran inbetween us. Then this same asshole who was bitching about repairing tanks and C4ed me the other night teamkills me, someone revives me, then he teamkills me again.

This dude keeps reporting me for bullshit like this accidental TK, just want to get ahead of it I'm not griefing him back: