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Complaint Handled Complaint from JL1834cx about player J0P3S

Who are you reporting? J0P3S

Date of incident Apr 19, 2021

Which server were you on? # -bZ1- # HARDCORE ALL MAPS BANZORE.COM

Describe the incident https://i.imgur.com/9vPLO0L.png abusing the moveme command to find enemy player locations, he used it 5 times and each time attempted to jet ram TK and then finally was successful as the server crashes in the same moment: https://youtu.be/uRxrkQsZkYE


Power Tripper 9000
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Not sure if there's anything I can do about the whole /moveme thing as besides seeing him move himself, we don't know his intentions.

About the jet ramming thing it's not something we usually enforce. It's a dick move when they can't use guns on you and resort to that, I think the only time I've punished someone for that is when they spent the entire game doing it to me, 10+ times.
Rule #1 states "No team killing, period, end of story." I fully understand jet ramming an enemy is fine on this server, but that jet in the video is blue, and he was on my team. how many uses of /moveme is excessive? the server was 12v12 at the time, I was flying around the edges of the map sort of hiding in the trees so was hard for them to find lol