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Complaint Handled Complaint from RazorBites about player BlastedTroop3r


Who are you reporting? BlastedTroop3r

Date of incident Apr 1, 2021

Which server were you on? bZ #4 24/7 Locker

Describe the incident Placing a beacon way the fuck up the mountain so far up Mav can not kill it (making unfair advantage / Cheating , even spectator cam can not Free cam up there so far out of bounds

video to follow


Staff member
Senior Admin
-bZ- Member
Holy cow I've never seen anyone get *that* far up there. Generally don't ban for this but this isn't the common mountain places we've seen.



I warned him first twice i even managed to shoot the Beacon when it was more exposed but he replied easy to put another up , so i went off and spec'd
good call on ban thats way past the FF auto kick zone other twats up there i don't care they are just taking advantage of the situation but beacon Placing is Not on, many Thanks :)


Staff member
Senior Admin
-bZ- Member
Yeah I saw that. Been discussing it at BA...since we're not really sure how he got up there we can't exactly ban for glitching or cheating.


Yeah I saw that. Been discussing it at BA...since we're not really sure how he got up there we can't exactly ban for glitching or cheating.
My view of cheating in this way is, if something can not be countered, its cheating by gaining an unfair advantage this is stated in EA tos
the fact that the Beacon was so high no mav Could shoot it, a mortar would not reach it. a spawn point that can not be destroyed is actually the cheat, not shooting from up a mountain


EA TOS The following are some examples of conduct not permitted by the TOS, they are not a complete list of prohibited behaviors and you should refer to the TOS for further details:
"Abusing world geometry to your advantage without risk"