Who are you reporting? canelaloa
Date of incident Sep 19, 2021
Which server were you on? # -bZ9- # HARDCORE ALL MAPS BANZORE.COM
Describe the incident I was on the 9th server and saw this tank camping outside of spawn, so I went there with a tank first and started asking him to move up and take some flags and stuff. Never shot at him or hit him.
After that I guess he got annoyed and started teamkilling me
Date of incident Sep 19, 2021
Which server were you on? # -bZ9- # HARDCORE ALL MAPS BANZORE.COM
Describe the incident I was on the 9th server and saw this tank camping outside of spawn, so I went there with a tank first and started asking him to move up and take some flags and stuff. Never shot at him or hit him.
After that I guess he got annoyed and started teamkilling me