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  • Only the thread starter and admins can reply to appeals/complaints.

Complaint Handled Complaint from Tenchy44 about player Ultramarine5

Who are you reporting? Ultramarine5

Date of incident Sep 8, 2021

Which server were you on? BZ2

Describe the incident Ultra was camping the entrance to the outside from RU Spawn.


Power Tripper 9000
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
Your team has no flags lol, this is allowed.
I've read the rules. "Don't attack the enemy's uncappable base (main base). If they fire out you can return fire." Nowhere does it specify this is okay if the enemy team hold all flags.


Power Tripper 9000
Staff member
-bZ- Member
BF4 Admin
It's kind of a given that if you have no where else to spawn besides uncap, it's fair game. The enemies aren't going to just let you run out of spawn to get to a flag lol

I get the confusion but no flags = uncap is fair game