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Appeal Denied Complaint from Vile about player Vil3

In-game Name Vil3

Date of incident Feb 12, 2017

What game were you playing? Battlefield 4

Which server were you on? BanZore.com HC Conquest ALL Maps#Vote#Fast Vehicle Spawn#

Describe the incident I was happily playing without incident but without warning or provocation of any kind I was banned for 7days by Admin Neonardo1 for Stated reason Number 9. This reason did not fit any situation i was in or was in prior to this map. I had been banned in the past by this admin maliciously and for no reason as well and was told to shutup abusively when I raised the matter on the server with other admins by himself. I was told to ask for support here by other admins but really saddened that I have to join this forum only to complain when in actual fact I have a great time playing on your servers and would like to show my support rather than to consume peoples time.

Thanks for your consideration and support.

Regards, Vil3.


You're Never Right!
You were observed spawn killing planes, that is why you were temp banned. You've apparently been warned before because it went to a 1 week temp ban when he punished you for it. At this point I will let Neonardo address this with you further.


Staff member
Senior Admin
-bZ- Member
Thanks for coming to the forums to voice your concern.

You were given a punish point by myself for spawn killing an aircraft. The fact that you had 8 punishes by admins prior to mine is what resulted in your 1w temp ban. Your long history of violation of server rules is what resulted in your temp ban. This was video'd and is logged for all of our admins to see. Outside of your 8 punishes by admins, you have a very long history of being reported by other players for disruptive behavior, team killing, and raping uncap. There's rarely a day you're in our server that you don't violate a rule. To be honest, I'm surprised it's taken you this long to get temp banned.

Out of your 9 punishes, only two are from me. You constantly troll in the server and can't seem to keep your mouth shut. You aggravate many players, and yes you've been told to "STFU" on more than one occasion, by more than just myself.

My advice is wait out the 7 days, then follow the rules. One more punish by admin will be your final day in our server so I'd advise you straighten out.

For the record, coming here trying to throw me under the bus like I'm targeting you isn't going to get you anywhere. All actions we as admins take are logged, and anything potentially controversial or from constant whiners like yourself is generally recorded as this was, so all you've done is make yourself look like a fool and a liar.

Have a nice 7 days.
I would like an opinion from another member thank you. Your bias and abuse of your authority because of general dislike of my "owning" should not mean that you get to cover up your doings. I never break the rules and only seem to be punished for pointing out others breaking of the rules via the "report" feature as is recommended. Other players report me in the form of trolling but never is this taken into consideration as it suits you. Fabricating incidents to prove your story is not only "lame" but complete dilution of what maybe the founders of your gaming facility had intended and a good reason there are no admins in future versions of this game, because of the unobstructed abuse carried out in this version. Its fine to muck me around for your entertainment but don't forget that I am not restricted in what I do as a gamer and which community I belong too or play with, hopefully the true gamers of this community can see the realistic side of this story and choose wisely to whom they let represent them. Maybe even embracing new members like myself as we try to enjoy this game with others.


Staff member
Senior Admin
-bZ- Member
I would like an opinion from another member thank you. Your bias and abuse of your authority because of general dislike of my "owning" should not mean that you get to cover up your doings. I never break the rules and only seem to be punished for pointing out others breaking of the rules via the "report" feature as is recommended. Other players report me in the form of trolling but never is this taken into consideration as it suits you. Fabricating incidents to prove your story is not only "lame" but complete dilution of what maybe the founders of your gaming facility had intended and a good reason there are no admins in future versions of this game, because of the unobstructed abuse carried out in this version. Its fine to muck me around for your entertainment but don't forget that I am not restricted in what I do as a gamer and which community I belong too or play with, hopefully the true gamers of this community can see the realistic side of this story and choose wisely to whom they let represent them. Maybe even embracing new members like myself as we try to enjoy this game with others.

By all means, please play on another server then the problem here is solved. Otherwise, follow the rules.

You're simply not going to find the sympathy you're looking for as you were in the wrong, period.


Vile... I to have witnessed many players complain about you. While you do play on our servers often, you also have quite the record for teamkilling. Those punishes you got in the past do not just kill you, they add up. When you do get unbanned I would highly recommend playing the game in a much different fashion. As Neo said already, any future admin punish will result in a perma ban. Hopefully just a week off is all you need. Just remember even 9 months from now if you screw up again you are gone.
i have also witnessed and confronted you multiple times about uncap raping and sitting in spawn with MAA vehicles and Jets.

you seem to have this obsession with neo being "out to target you" which is not only the craziest thing ive heard, but also we have DOCUMENTED PROOF via reports, videos and first hand witness accounts of you.

you fail to see the concept here, you have solid evidence against you, and you cannot bring a single shred of evidence to prove your innocence.

you are barking up a tree which you cannot climb nor cut down.