Describe the players style above you.

^^^^* Enjoys leaning over the side of a boat so the blood rushes to his head while letting Wakuritz fist him in the ass and pour hot wax on his balls.
Ok we'll to prevent this thread from being a waste I will say Neo is a boat whore, requires a full time repair man because he is a white boy who can't fix shit himself, very accurate with TV missiles, works great in a squad, (for example) shooting down MrMrder in the AA while seanguy uses our chopper as bait. Has a tendency to rage when he gets his shit pushed in hahah
^ Responsible for roughly 75% of my 100+ kill rounds. If he is surrounded by his team mates he will let them advance in front to expose the enemy so he can finish them during the reloading process blindly firing the Famas and m320. Sucks dick for coke and has no friends.