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Discussion: What we all know

Because of where I am in the world I play alot on Russian servers and one thing is very apparent: There are alot of very obvious and alot of not so obvious cheats out there.

These can be turned on and off and are extremely hard to catch. Fairfight, Punkbuster, and BFAT are great tools for catching these but they're not perfect.

To give you an idea of what is offered here is an example of just 1 Multihack pack available, which has been updated this month to so far be undetectable. There are many more. Depending on the releases and file types some of the coding on these packs can be edited and updated at anyone's will:

+ AimKey (hardcoded Left ALT)
+ AimLock (hardcoded B)
+ Simple aim smooth
+ Works for infantry and in vehicle
+ TV Missile aimbot (hold ALT)
+ Jet aimbot (read * below)
+ Jet speed controll (~314 when holding SPACE)
+ Triggerbot (for jet)
+ Team
+ Lines
+ Vehicles
+ '2D' or '3D'
+ Vehicle indicators
+ Explosives
+ Guided missile (own)
+ Prediction crosshair (with applied angular velocity for vehicles)
+ Prediction data
+ Some more Prediction options...
+ Radar with icons
+ Spectators on the server
+ Vehicle crosshair (own)
+ Some more features like different colors, overheat bar, ammo bar, health, etc...

The nuts:
Listen, I actually like Krow. He seems nice and isn't toxic in chat. But I see this shit all day long on this side of the globe and what I see in bZ has the same exact stench.

This first clip is infuriating because I'm only able to record in 30 second intervals. It isn't a solid viewpoint for proof and 3-4 seconds before this video I repaired the vehicle to 100%. We were then shot from behind with 90%+ damage in near 1 second.

This second one might be a weird coincidence but he was the only player in the game I was unable to spectate:

He ended the round 101-2.

This shit stinks and I'm calling it out.
I won't lie buddy, you're not alone, a lot of people are sketch of Krow including myself. We've had some very strange moments with him.. He's not consistent, he goes shit, then gets good out of no where..

Krow plays like he knows where everyone is, which no one I played with in 9 years is like.. I've watched our internal videos of him knowing where our teammates are, and is playing "defensively" waiting.. my guess with him is he toggles it on and off.. he for sure uses ESP.. My mates have videos of him snapping quickly to a HS which 3 of the videos is questionable.

To be frank its not just shitty players questioning him, its all the “GOOD” guys are questioning him and the way he plays.

This is a popular line said “ Krow used to be shitty, than next day he became good at everything”
In the first video it seemed like you were hit from a 90 degree tank shot to the rear, immobilizing the vehicle and doing a lot of damage. Then it seems like Krow hit you with his gun a few times and finished off with the TOW, getting the kill. The sound was kinda glitchy though so it was difficult to determine how many times he hit you with the gun but you can hear the TOW missile launch sound at the end as the tank blows up, so that's definitely what did the kill shot.

The second video is a spectator bug. You can see that the 3rd-person vehicle crosshair is stuck after switching from Krow to another person. Seems to me like the spectator bugged out when you switched to Krow but since the spectator view is kind of unreliable I think you should have exited the game and then rejoined to see if that bug occurred a second time. If it did then that could possibly indicate that it is something specific with Krow - maybe something a hack does - so that evidence would be more compelling.

I don't know Krow from a hole in the wall, and I don't even remember playing with him so I have no skin in this game. These are just my observations from these two videos. The 101-2 and only 25K points is just indicative of a pussy vehicle whore. He sits back, gets a ton of kills, and runs to repair at the slightest sign of danger.
In the first video it seemed like you were hit from a 90 degree tank shot to the rear, immobilizing the vehicle and doing a lot of damage....

The second video is a spectator bug... ...If it did then that could possibly indicate that it is something specific with Krow - maybe something a hack does - so that evidence would be more compelling.

Yes my videos are crap and I hate them. I myself mostly run into him when I'm on wheels, but these circumstances are consistent with everyone else's experience as well. Bullets and missiles that follow you everywhere and damage that is not possible.

The 101-2 and only 25K points is just indicative of a pussy vehicle whore. He sits back, gets a ton of kills, and runs to repair at the slightest sign of danger.

This is not the only truth. Today he is also shooting around corners in Locker and knows where everyone is at all times. Also consistently TVing jets out of the sky from his attack boat in Hainan at impossible distances that TV's don't normally go. It doesn't matter what he's doing, he just can't stop counting up impossible shots.

Can't take a flag for the life of him though.


-bZ- Member
this whole thread is why I record hundreds of hours of my own gameplay. including every instance of hackusations.
I've been playing the same 3 maps for ~1400 hours now. I prefire people in the face often. predictable corners, basing judgement on recently lost objectives, seeing particular names in the killfeed and knowing their behavior, object permanence and just sending SRR rounds to known locations through smoke and getting kills

I think it's a bit much to claim KROW is DEFINITELY using this or that without solid evidence to prove it. of all of the footage I've watched of him, he misses, he judges player position incorrectly, and he dies. if somebody at his level were cheating, they would have to be "toggled off" a whole fuckin lot to look the way KROW does objectively.

also, number one rule of smoking out a cheater, don't publicly tell them what you're doing (he is a member of this forum)


-bZ- Member
agreed with Obam, you got shot in the ass with a tow to knock you immobilized, 25mm until the tow was back up, then towed in the ass for final kill. that was a legit kill on you.

as far as not being able to spectate properly, it's a spectator bug and has to be chalked up to just a bug unless a pattern is established
agreed with Obam, you got shot in the ass with a tow to knock you immobilized, 25mm until the tow was back up, then towed in the ass for final kill. that was a legit kill on you.
TOW's from behind do ~65 dmg and 1-2x 25mm won't take that to ~10%. He could have had help and I am kicking myself for not looking backwards but it's consistent with other's stories.

this whole thread is why I record hundreds of hours of my own gameplay. including every instance of hackusations.
I've been playing the same 3 maps for ~1400 hours now. I prefire people in the face often. predictable corners, basing judgement on recently lost objectives, seeing particular names in the killfeed and knowing their behavior, object permanence and just sending SRR rounds to known locations through smoke and getting kills
This is different. You also show a pattern of how you move, snap to targets, make judgment calls. It's quite obvious of your skillset... in infantry... heh...

We're talking about this guy who knowing exactly where everyone is at all times, even when having a full health tank taken out by 1 shot from across the map. It happens alot to a number of people and I'm not the only one. I just don't have the hard drive space to monitor this, so, thus a thread is born.
@Ripe - A lot happens after you go to bed at night on the bZ servers... evening time for us around 9 pm MST 11pm EST. I was speaking on months of playing with him. Not just these two videos.. If you look there is way more out there. I myself and crew have around 12 sus videos so far. I'm glad he can see us all got an eye on him. P.s All the times i've spectated someone, I've never seen that bug.. happens more to Krow than anyone else.. Thats not the first time people bitched about him for that.. I believe someone actually reported him to BFDB for that lol.
@Ripe - P.s All the times i've spectated someone, I've never seen that bug.. happens more to Krow than anyone else.. Thats not the first time people bitched about him for that.. I believe someone actually reported him to BFDB for that lol.
That was the thing I found interesting, and I would like to see if others can recreate that bug. Doing a series of control tests where spectator is switched to people in the same vehicle(s?) without Krwo in the game would be the first step, followed by a series of videos spectating Krow in those same vehicles. It could simply be a coincidental bug or it could be something else. I don't have enough experience with the spectator mode to give an answer.

It's worth looking into at the very least.